Short Film: The Old Man and the Fish

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Short Film: The Old Man and the Fish

Hello everyone. I recently completed my senior project at the Savannah College of Art and Design. It's called the Old Man and the Fish. Please check it out at and tell me what you think!


Hi Dave

I still haven't had a chance to watch your new film yet. Big download, limited amount of time type of situation. I loved Traffik, so I can't wait to check this one out. I see Josh Burton animated on it. He's a good guy and a good animator. I'll post more once I see it.

Thanks for the link. :)

Jared Chapman

Nice stuff!
Some very nice imagery and consistent quality animation all round. Nice original concept, simple and straightforward.

Si je devrais donner un critique ca serait que la musique est un peu trop lourd. Les elements comediques sont un peu perdus maintenant parmis tous les violons et les cellos.
Mais ca c'est le nitue-pique, comme on dit ;)

Well done.


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits

I really like your concept art on the title page of your website. The film was also quite good. Did I miss anything by not having read the book, "the old man and the sea". Is this completely done, is it what you handed in? Tell us how it was received.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

Monkeygirl: No, you didn't miss anything by not having read "The Old Man and the Sea." My short film is a completely seperate entity from the book, with only the title sharing a similar format.

About the status of the film, there are a few things I might rerender and I wanna do a little post processing but other than that, it is completely done and what I handed in.

It was received very well, overall. Why do you ask? Was something unclear in the film?

Dave: Thanks! You're the first person who said that the music was too heavy. Some others have said that it was actually too light at the end scene.

Jared: What are you waiting for man? Download it and tell me what you think! :) Yeah, Josh is a great guy. It was good working with him, and I'm gonna continue to do so on his project.

Different people different tastes I guess; I would have preferred starting off on a lighter musical note, but hey, that's just me. :)

Be sure to post your short on the all-CG boards like CGTalk and CG-Char as well (if you haven't already). They usually have a bunch of headhunters hanging around there, and the free publicity is always nice.

Congrats again,

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits