Movie Trailers

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Movie Trailers

my name is Herve Trouillet
I suggest you to see my website at

It presents movie trailers of animation that I did by myself.
The speed of production may interest you : 3 weeks and a half for 1 teaser (with soundtrack and FX). My method of production reduce cost production.

Thank you for your comments :)

I was pretty impressed with the look of your trailers especially when you combine that with only being done in three and a half weeks. Kuods to you.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

Thank you!!!! :)

Whoa....unbelievable. Really great stuff. I love the camera movements like the shaking you add, when something is falling or running by.

Extremely impressive work!

It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I can't lol

Very talented, very creative. I'd say you're hired, but I think you have the sort of....what it takes to lead...well, you have too much to restrain you into something else.

Are you employed or building a reel, or is this an extreme hobby?

That's -very- smooth and watchable, quality animation.

So, yah, I'm intrigued. Tell us more.

Uncanny. You have the movement through the layouts in the carrot attack and it even stays in perspective! Gifted.