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Flash animation with sound

By junetoo | Monday, January 10, 2005 at 8:00pm

Greetings everyone! I am new here...:) Could anyone tell me about the flash animation market price in the US? Lets say 1 character of animation, 20 seconds, plus audio, how much would it cost?

Thanks a lot!~

junetoo's picture
Submitted by junetoo on

12 fps, simple cute character with bg design, any audio, could be free (to suit the mood), just imagine it as an "flash e-card"..


phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I've sold some for as little as $50.00 will never do that again and a few for $200 each. And one competition for a 90 second piece for $10,000.00. So it depends on the market and what you are up against. Also how hungry you are. Now adays I estimate my time and charge $20.00 an hour. offers commissions based on how many clients choose your card.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

amy's picture
Submitted by amy on

Hi, email me and we can sort something out. I can produce a short animation for a low price.

Look forward to hearing from you,


phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Amy I don't think he was asking for help with the animation, I think he was asking for pricing help.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Vincent, some of us are scraping for every morsel. I am sure that's what Amy was after. No one should laugh. This is a tight market.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

amy's picture
Submitted by amy on

Thanks Phacker. Think I just mis-read the message. You mentioned your prices for animation projects...what have you worked on?


ScatteredLogical's picture

Pat, I was being lighthearted. It's the eagerness and resourcefulness that -made- me smile, because of the situation everyone's in. I chose the colors intentionally too. Fan of capitalism.

junetoo's picture
Submitted by junetoo on

Thanks for the information...actually I am currently doing for less than $100 per piece...think is not bad for beginner like me...


phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I've basically sold ecards, banners and headers. Some animated logos.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

junetoo's picture
Submitted by junetoo on

Hi Packer,
Do u have a link to your 90 second flash that won the competition? I have visited ur site, is very nice...~ congrat!

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I don't have a link anymore. It was for the True Majority interactive media contest a couple years back. It turned out to be a memorial for Martin Luther King Jr., right before the anti-war march with Jesse Jackson that was held in Washington. It was made to spec for Ben Cohen.

I don't see it listed on their site any longer.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I just want to say I knew when I was working on that piece I was whoring...but I needed the money. Would love to find another chance to make that kind of money, but I have to say my Scoot stuff is much more satsifying for me artististcally, even if others don't like my stuff. With the Scoot I can work on stuff that I like and support, and even though my animations skills aren't up to the Disney standards I can have my say. With each Scoot piece I learn, and I hope I never stop enjoying the learning process. Not that I didn't enjoy working on that piece in memory of MLK. I did, but my best stuff is on Scooter's World, it didn't live up to the Jesse's scale. I love that MLK card with the Balm of Gilead. To me it was the best.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

ScatteredLogical's picture

I'm no expert but until "they" get here I'd imagine specifics on those variables would be helpful.

How detailed is the character? How many frames per second is that 20 seconds of animation (an indirect way of also asking what the eventual intended medium for display is)...who's recording the audio, and how, at what quality?