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2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions


So I have finally started back on some more animation-style stuff and less realistic stuff. I do still have a commission to start and finish but I'll post it later.

I did a couple sketches that I haven't colored yet and will post them once they're finished off. For now, here is my drawing of the Phantom of the Opera. I just saw the movie yesterday and was inspired to draw the title character. It didn't turn out that great. The anatomy is all weird but oh well. I had to get the idea down--wish it could have turned out better, though.

Dancing Cavy's picture
2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different? Dancing Cavy Productions

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Hey, Cavy love your dinosaurs. But I also like your drawing of your friends, you just need to loosen up a little and let their personalities show through.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Dancing Cavy's picture

I figured I needed to work on how clothes react on the body so I took a photo of myself and, using it as reference, did this drawing. (Note: This isn't what I look like.) :D I think the proportions might be a little off and I'm not too happy with my coloring job, but oh well. Here it is, for your critiquing and viewing pleasure.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Danimation's picture
Submitted by Danimation on

Awesome portrait! That nose is amazing! Good work with the folds in the jacket. When I do folds I just keep thinking that it's hanging off the body. I fidn that helps when I don't have reference! Cheers

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

Dancing Cavy's picture

Thanks for the compliments.

I need to redo the one of my friends and you're right about the personalities being non-existant. The only one that does have any personality would be Silas (the one wearing the trenchcoat holding the taco). I do plan on redoing this at some point in the future. . .when I manage to find the time.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Dancing Cavy's picture

A couple sketches of Kirara from "InuYasha." I used screenshots from the series for reference, but all poses were created from ideas in my head. Sketches have such vitality, so I had to scan the sketchy-versions before I cleaned them up.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

ScatteredLogical's picture

Tell me that you get commissions off of the canine art. Unreal. Wow.

Also, how can your proportions be off in the jacket pic if you referenced a photograph? I also agree the puffiness of the jacket is cool... On that pic if you hold the mouse arrow over the top of the chin it make it look like a more realistic angle...just a thought...

Dancing Cavy's picture

Well I finally finished this commission and have a couple days now between this one and the next, so perhaps I'll get a chance to do some sketches tomorrow. I will post them, of course.

But, for the time being, here is Charlie.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Was that a taco, add some lettuce and tomato and a little juice squooshing out. Looked like a cell phone to me.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Dancing Cavy's picture

Here's another recent portrait. Maybe now I'll have a little time to do some of my own stuff (ha ha). I still have another one on the list, though.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Bookeater's picture
Submitted by Bookeater on

If you don't mindI can give you a tip on coloring scanned lineart. Using GIMP or a similar program open the layers panel and duplicate your background layer. On the upper of the two use the filter "Color to Alpha" and enter in the color of the page, white if it's actually white. Color and fill on the bottom layer, using a medium fill threshhold can speed things.

Dancing Cavy's picture

Normally, my computer-colored pictures don't look so. . .crappy. I was just trying out a different way of doing it (and was using Photoshop, which I'm not that familiar with yet) and it didn't work out exactly as planned.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Dancing Cavy's picture

Hey, look. I did a painting!! Please, please. Don't die of shock on me.

It's actually been about 2 years since I did a painting. . .and the first time I did one that wasn't required for a class. I'm really not a painter (I got a C in my college painting class), and what I do paint is completely unrelated to what I create in other media. I love painting landscapes and scenery. This is actually a good example of what I like to paint--winter scenes and water.

So here is my painting. Look for more in the future.

Media: Acrylic on canvas board
Time: About 3 hours
Completed: March 12, 2005
Something Completely Different

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Dancing Cavy's picture

I finally got one of my sketches colored. I also got to play with some of my new toys. :D I used both my Wacom tablet and Photoshop 7.0 to finish this work. I also used my old stand-by, Paint Shop Pro. Unfortunately, I can't remember how to do half the stuff in Photoshop, but I'm sure it'll come back to me. ;)

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Greenlik's picture
Submitted by Greenlik on

Hey DC, what do you normally use to draw the dog portraits???


Sower's picture
Submitted by Sower on

I can understand you hating the second one more, yet it's more revealing because you went further out on a limb - you were always going to be more vulnerable doing that - but ultimately the challenge is worth it. At least it's not a "standard" image.

Sower's picture
Submitted by Sower on

. . . I hope you know what I mean. I think I'm trying to say that I prefer mistakes to perfection.

ScatteredLogical's picture

It's weird that you said you went to Edinboro, because even though the years don't match up at all, I knew a couple of girls from that pic that look exactly like that...

Dancing Cavy's picture

March Madness is fast approaching. So here's a drawing with my 3 favorite collegiate basketball teams. Pittsburgh Panthers, Syracuse Orange, and the UConn Huskies.

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Dancing Cavy's picture

Yes, I do commissions. Actually, all the canines I've posted in this thread were commissions. I'm working on another at the moment too and should be posting it soon.

It's not too hard to screw up the proportions when looking at a photo. It shouldn't be as easy to do, but look, I managed to do it! :o I actually used to have major problems with proportion but I worked hard at it and it's usually not a problem anymore.

Now for more art:
The finals of the sketches above:

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions

Dancing Cavy's picture

Thanks for the compliments/comments. I might try this thing again at some point. My friends actually did like it--but I still HATE it.

I was in the Boro from 2000-04. Maybe just my crappy drawing skills makes them look like someone you know despite not actually knowing them??

2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions