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Question from a newbie

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Question from a newbie

I am not sure if this is the place to post this, but how do you do a screen shot. I am creating my online portfolio and want to include my web design skills as well. How do I get a screen shot of the websites that I have designed? I know this is probably a really easy task, but I have been pulling out my hair trying to do it. I am fairly computer literate, but obvious not is this area.
Thanks for your help and I am sorry if this is not the place to post this question. I just want to get my website up and I will post it on here for everyone to see when it's done.

Thanks and I love this forum and website.

Shoe's Creations

Anyone know how to do this on a laptop without a 'print screen' button?


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Claire O'

Donno if this could help.... :D emmmm...

FF. Screen Shots & BMP Bloat: Pictures may be worth a thousand words -- they can also be a million bytes. Squeeze them down to a bare minimum. Small hard drives, slow CPUs and email recipients will save time and space. You may have all the tools at hand or they are all available [for FREE]. Get a free image converter IrfanView, and [optional] program launcher Multilaunch. Full screen shots on Laptops are usually made with the Fn+PrtSrc keys; active window screen shots are made with Fn+Alt+PrtSrc keys. If you have an old [& somewhat beat up laptop, sometimes these screen shots don't work well because the keys are well worn. If you don't see a little hard drive activity from the hard drive light indicator when making the screen shot, try making the shot again. Double check that the shot "took" before opening Paint, by opening Clipboard {direct short cuts to Paint & Clipboard on the Desktop &/or the Start Menu saves digging through layers of "Programs" on the Start Menu}]. To minimize the byte size of screen shots:
1- Before making an active window [rather than a full] sceen shot, move the active window to the top left corner of the screen.
2- After making screen shot, open Paint, set Width & Height [from Image/Attributes] to a small space [e.g. 32 x 32], select Edit/Paste and "Yes" to bitmap enlarged query. If bitmap does not contain extra areas that you need, select Edit/CopyTo in order to save the bitmap with name/location of choice, exit Paint without saving "Untitled" & skip to Item #4 below. If there are areas of the screen shot that you do not need, continue to Item #3.
3- By using the Select Tool, draw a box around only the desired area of the screen shot. Select Edit/CopyTo in order to save the bitmap with name/location of choice. Exit Paint without saving "Untitled".
4- Highlight the saved bitmap, right click while holding the Shift Key, select OpenWith, browse to graphic program that will convert bmps to gifs [e.g. IrfanView]. Do not check "Always Open" with unless you want bmps to always open with a program other than Paint. [If you use Multilaunch, the bmp converter {such as IrfanView} can be put directly into the right click context menu, and the Shift, OpenWith, select program routine is not necessary.] Once the bitmap is opened in the converter program, save it as a "gif" file, close the converter, and delete the bmp file.


It works. Thanks for that. I didn't see "prt sc" on the insert button at first and I would never have known to press Fn and alt at the same time. You're a star, thanks again,


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Claire O'

If you're on a win-system there is a button labeled "Prt Scr" or something similar in the row above the insert and delete keys on your keyboard.
Press that one, then open your image editing software, like the Gimp or Photoshop and then you just paste into a new document.

If you are on Mac, you have "Grab" in your utiliies folder