For Pascal :D

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For Pascal :D

Just a short little animated piece that Pascal encouraged me to do.

Once again, sorry but it most likely won't work on a Mac. I had a lot of fun doing this little piece, and now I totally want to do more of these.

Comments and critques always welcome, esspecially from quirky Frenchmen. :D

the Ape

Animated Ape's picture

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Oh, and if anyone who know's HTML really well and can figure out why my animation doesn't work on Macs, I would totally greatful.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


I was wondering if you were going to do it or not!

I love his expressions, his motions.. Nice little story , well told.. and.. the little button at the end( his suitcase falling opne) is just perfect!


oh.. if you're using flash 7 ... you may want to save as flash mx..
Or if you are using flash 6, save as will make a difference for mac users!


nice job im digging the blue :D

i likwee the shots where he has no expression on his face.


Heeeeey... I think I was just insulted?! :p

Yeah, I'm not as fast as you, so that took quite a bit longer than a lunch break. Ha!

oh.. if you're using flash 7 ... you may want to save as flash mx..
Or if you are using flash 6, save as will make a difference for mac users!


Well I export out an avi, then re-export it through Quicktime Pro as a .mov file. So I would think that would work. I'll give that a shot though.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Wonderful. Impeccable timing. Funny gag.

...although I'm a fan of Pascal's boiling line (appreciating the loads of trace-backs that requires. I don't know if I could swing it either):)

Awesome. The timing on the suitcase gag is awesome! The facial stuff is particularly nice and the poses read very clearly (even when the face isn't there to tell us the emotion).

Now I want more!

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

i meant that what I would ve done could never come close to what you did

great job ape...

Hey Ape??
what's up??
I'm trying to get back to your movie..but i can't access it.
I get the quicktime logo, but no matter how long i wait, nothing happens!!!

hmmmm...Am I the only one like that??

I wanted to take a look at it is very inspiring..even more so for me than for anybody else since i know where it comes from!

kev and I were just talking about it a few hours ago.. Imust say... you do so many little things in there that work so well..
the puffing of the cheeks, the run cycle at the beginning..
now...i can only speak from memory.. so i don't want to say too much, but i'd really like to watch it over and over again!


its working for me pascal

i've tried it again.. and I can't get it to work!!!

i wonder if I have an older version of quicktime ..

i have to sak why is it in quicktime?

i mean its flash so shouldnt it be in swf?

yo ape!

i wanna see this too! :) I've been trying to peep your stuff (esp the AM stuff), but can't seem to view your quicktimes either... i peeped your code and it seems to be referencing different files (gatchaman?):

anyway... can't wait to see your stuff!

I think the Gatchaman file is a reference to the loading "splash screen" image that appears in place of the movie, you know, the ones where you have to click it to start playing the file?

ape..from work, I can see it.. this is interesting...
it might just be the quicktime player i have here as opsoed to the one I have at home..
anyways.. I was looking at it again...

I had aweird idea..Are you goingto turn that into CG? works very well as a two d piece...But i'm curious to see what It would do in three d?
( ok. guys.. don't kill me now.... I do TWO D. I Love TWO d..But i have NOTHING against Three D.
Some people do it really really well!

anyways.. other than that...
your actions are very clean and readable..
sometimes i think the timing could be one frame or two shorter, tighter///but , that's because I like rapid fire type of pacing!

it's great all the way through though!


That's a pretty good idea, Pascal. MORE WORK FOR THE APE!

I'd enjoy seeing your 3D interpretation of it. Could be an interesting expirement for you. That and you've got a gift for 3D animation.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Trying to get it open, but it's not working. Maddening...

its not working for me. im on a mac. i do not get why a quicktime thing would not work on a mac.

perhaps it has to do with the .avi switching or whatever you mentioned. .avi file types and macs do not really mix to well.

hopefully you can find a solution so i can see your work here and on your site.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

Ok, here is an swf version of my animation, maybe that'll work. Or it just might create more confusion.

Like I said, I'm not a web designer. I stripped the code off of my friends website for the video, so all I do is change the names of the files. So I'm not sure why my video doesn't work on macs. They've never worked, so if anyone wants to see my shorts or AM work Bobbyc, shoot me an email and I'll email back a copy...if I can compress them small enough.

Haha Pascal, I know you like the rapid fire pacing. There were a couple of times I thought it was looking a little Pascal-ish, which isn't a bad thing. And I totally want to do this in 3D with the AM model. That won't be for a while though, because I want to re-do a couple of my projects from the last term. I still want to do more of these though. It was a lot of fun and a fast way to get stuff down and moving.

Mahalo all,
the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Ape!'s working for me this time!
I was just showing that to some people here , telling them to STUDY it ..
as i was rewatching it , i'm discovering new layers of simplicity that work so BEAAAAAAAUTIFULLY!!..
great job..
You've just inspired me!
Damn..Now i want to do some more animation..but i have to work!


I was just showing that to some people here , telling them to STUDY it ..

Funny, I did the same thing with all your animation with the animators on Fosters!

Hahahaha, yeah, get back to work. I really don't want to be responsible for you getting fired! Then the rest of us wouldn't have any more retaliation animation to watch!

Oh... and can you tell me where those layer's of simplisity are? I seemed to have missed then too. :D No really, I want to know.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."