Hey i'm looking for some animators who fancy a bit of a challenge. I want you to help me animate the 2nd part to my unusual series entitled Hamster Wars. You can view the test i made on newgrounds here
It being my first proper flash animation, the animation is very stunted and slow towards the end. I need people who want to try and help me get over this problem. I cant offer you money, but i can offer you the ability to get noticed by giving you credit space, thats all. Please help.
All i need is to make the backgrounds look better in some places and improve the hamster animation. If you notice their fur never moves.....ever. So if anyones interested just leave a post and i'll send you my contact details. Feel free to ask me anything regarding anything your curious about, the name "Hamster Wars" for instance.
Please someone reply. Why arent you interested?
i watched your "unusual series entitled Hamster Wars" and it's pretty obvious that you're new to animation. my question to you is, "why don't you want to do it yourself?" isn't that why you want to animate?
the more you do the better you'll get. learn by experience. practice, practice, practice.
and if you know what is wrong with it or what you're not happy with it then why don't you just fix it yourself?
But honestly I think you and a guy named Gabe Marchibroda(?) should hook up and work together.
He does stuff that seems to almost be in the same vein if you will as what you've posted here.
You never know?
I have to agree with dxv, just keep working on the project your self. It would be nice to have a partner but don't let not having one keep you from animating.
Archie, you have a real talent for set design. The backdrops have a lot of detail (shadows, blinking lights etc...). Also, the bit where the soldier guy turns around is done very nicely. I think you could do a very good job at animating this movie yourself, with some practice.
In your opening post, you asked for suggestions about the ending. The animation at the end may seem slow because nothing much is happening. You might try intercuting the slow zoom out with pans revealing other areas of the demolished city.
Anyway, you've got a great concept, and a lot of talent.
Keep it up,
thanks everyone. It's just that the story is quite big and that was merley a test, i was just wondering if anyone wouldnt mind helping move it along. Either that or tell me some decent 3.D programs. lol thanks for the detail compliment, I spent 3 days doing the bar scene, quite funny how the detail of the bar draws people atttention away that it's sitting next to a blue void. If anyone notices, the hamster outside the bar actually breathes, well i think he still does. Drains drip, curtains blow in wind, everything reflects a shadow. The other scenes arent detailed enough which i believe is the main problem.
That's pretty impressive for your first Flash piece. I'm with everyone else when they say "tackle the project yourself"... if it's just for fun, then you've got all the time in the world. A tip: that zoom out and fade out at the end is slow and jaggedy because you've got that gradient filled smoke animated. I'd reccomend either zooming out of a still shot or perhaps animating a simplier smoke effect. Keep up the good work!