Unwanted manipulator problem

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Unwanted manipulator problem

Using Maya 6.1 when working on a scene, occassionally an unwanted manipulator appears. I have no idea why or how to get rid oof it, other than closing and reopening maya.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Roberte, you may want to think about posting your questions at a more Maya-specific board. While there are many computer jockeys here, this is more of a general discussion board about all things animation. You'll undoubtedly get a quicker answer on a board like cg-char.

Glad you're here, and don't want to see you frustrated by a slow (or lack of) response.

It looks like a standard all transformation manipulator to me. Can't you either switch to the pointer or the simple tr/rt/sc ones?

Failing that. You can always make the tool smaller with the +/-



Thanks for the advice. I have posted on more maya specific boards. I suppose, in my frustration I am taking a shotgun to the problem and posting everywhere. I hope noone here finds it offensive. I have gotten very thoughtful responses to other, animation specific posts.

Kevan. Well I thought it was something like that but when looking at the choises of manipulators and attempting to chose another it doesnt seem to respond. Could you discribe more thoroughly how I would go about selecting the manipulator you speak of. perhaps there is a process I have overlooked.

Thanks for the responses.



Well, it sounds a little odd that you can't change manipulators. Don't the hotkey shortcuts work? What about their toolbar on the left hand side? I would also check the options box for each one - play with them and reset them to default if you can.

I think that this is a fairly simple problem, but I really can't rememeber how to fix it. I haven't used maya for 2 years, y'see!

No sweat, roberte. No one here's going to take offense; I was just trying to point you to the fastest route to a solution. Software-specific questions can languish here as opposed to other boards that have a narrower focus.

Plus, there's always a risk some yahoo will come along and use your question as a soapbox to go on about how 2D animators never have these problems with their paper and pencils. Those posts have the dual "benefit" of being both annoying and completely unhelpful.

Good luck!


Well, i've tried all of these things and the problem still persists. It's just one of those mysteries that need workarounds (like closing out and reopening maya)but even this workaround doesnt seem to work consistantly.


Yes, there is always someone who has some issue with "proper conduct". I've found that on some posts there is objecting to my even posting questions whose answers, to the responde,r seem obvious. I guess they forget that everyone starts knowing nothing.

Thanks for the input!


Plus, there's always a risk some yahoo will come along and use your question as a soapbox to go on about how 2D animators never have these problems with their paper and pencils. Those posts have the dual "benefit" of being both annoying and completely unhelpful.

Hahahahahahahaha! Good one, DSB. I never even thought of that possibility!

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon