New Character!

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New Character!

hee hee new character :D ( p.s this photo was taken on my mobile phone and sent to my computer for wuickness not the best of quality :) ) he looks like a cheeky chappy so i think i might him a cocky, know it all, will get beaten in a fight by a hero :) dude!

OH NO! Mr. Bill is coming over. :D You should thing about making a set of faces for your character, so you can do some close ups and have them show emotions.

hey mate :) thanks for the reply haha! That is a super idea and it wont be too time consuming like an "action" animation! after all ive got exams and that so i dont have alot of time on my hands! after 8 hours of school its very cool and good to come in and need a knew refreshing idea thanks alot! :) hah ill be back soon with a few diffrent short animations clisp of emotions with diffrent heads!

Cool, It's Gumby on steroids!

What would scooby do?