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noodle incident's gallery


I've been looking through a lot of the galleries here and I'm really impressed by all the different styles. Some of you guys have really inspired me. Here goes my gallery.

OK, this first one is a caricature of Busta Rhymes...

For this next one, I improved the pic (or so I think) by adding hard lighting effects and a fur coat...

noodle incident's picture

...and a caricature of HOV (Jay-Z)...

...a rap battle (concept: an "underground" emcee and a mainstream "bling" rapper goin at it)...

...a futuristic DJ...

All of these pieces except for the last two were created digitally with a wacom tablet, painter, and photoshop. The last two were hand drawn on paper, scanned, and colored with photoshop. Any feedback is appreciated!