Hello everyone! I am posting a link to my website here:
Please take a look and let me know what I can do to make this the best site possible for applying for work in animation. I am now living in Michigan and will be moving to San Francisco in the fall to start knocking on doors and looking for work. I have never had any real contact with anyone working in animation or even studying it so any and all advice/criticsm is welcome!
Tim Rauch
I think everything on your site looks excellent.
I especially like the figure drawings. Expressive and stylish yet realistic. Your illustrations are simple yet believable, and the poses are great.
This contrast shows great skill and a (presumably) wide range of possible styles.
Very nice work!
I too liked just about everything I saw. I also agree the figure drawing looks good, and I also agree with sending work instead of going in person. I actually remember a specific conversation where an animator from the bay area was talking about this poor guy that came in person to the studio (in his case thinking he'd be unique) and they laughed about him and escorted him off the property. Probably not a killer first impression.
The mystery meat numbers motif is a frowned-upon navigational technique. Not only do we not have any idea what's behind closed doors (aka if we even wanna see it) but in this case it isn't even clear that they're for rollover and not to be clicked on.
Both the animation and resume pages didn't work for me, but I took the end off the animation address and found your reel in the list for that directory.
If you're trying to get into features the major studios are consumed with strong foundations in storytelling and technically-proficient animation with attention to detail. I don't think that commercial's showing all you've potentially got to offer in that respect. Also, see about mastering the sound because that glass breaking scared the life out of me =) The rest of the audio worked well and on the level, and while that COULD be intentional it comes across more as a fluke in editing.
I appreciate everyone's two cents, and I definitely counted on making some errors. Guess I have some redesigning to do... I will probably be posting different figure drawings that display gesture and volume more directly, diversify the illustration work and, as I have been aware, I desparately need to get some more real, moving, animation. In the long run, I am really looking for as wide a variety of experience as I can get out in San Francisco because my pipe dream is about as big as it gets: doing whatever I want whenever I want and having someone to fund it. That certainly aint happening tomorrow.
I appreciate everyone's two cents, and I definitely counted on making some errors...though ACTUALLY knocking on doors was NOT going to be one of them! (T'was but a figure of speech) I will be posting different figure drawings that display gesture and volume more directly, diversifing the illustration work and, as I have been aware, I desparately need to get some more real, moving, animation... oh, and yeah, I hate mystery meat style, too. I bent to the advice of a design Prof on that one...
In the long run, I am really looking for as wide a variety of experience as I can get out in San Francisco because my pipe dream is about as big as it gets: doing whatever I want whenever I want and having someone to fund it. That certainly aint happening tomorrow. I'll just keep making it up as I go along and look for good advice when I can!
Hi Tim,
I like your site's design. It shows you took some time and thought.
I watched your animation reel. Can't go wrong with a PSA, especially for an important subject.
Some things to consider: it's hard to be impressed with a reel that is postage stamp size. Multiple links would also help; some people here couldn't figure it out, and unless the viewer has QuickTime pro they probably won't be able to easily save your reel--bad idea--if you reel is killer you want them to easily save it. Also, consider adding a plug for your website or contact info at the end, in case they do save it.
I like the animation, and the character actions, but it's hard to be impressed with black and white (b&w always looks like a temp pencil test). Remember you're not painting on cells, color is free on the web; consider colorizing the animation. The quasi squiggle-vision approach is interesting and helps keep attention and generate interest, but I think it would be strengthened through the use of color. And that background looks awful. Lined paper? Dude your colors and illustrations elsewhere look great! The animation reel doesn't match with your abilities and it doesn't show off your talents that are amply displayed elsewhere on the site.
I'm trying to not be a d!ck about this critique, but you have so much potential with your approach; so many reels out there are dry as dust. Character animators can often get away with using a short story in a reel, and it has the ability to make things exciting and memorable. The bad part about such an approach is that then all the parts of the reel have to shine.
There's kind of two schools of thought on reels: one says, "Your reel should showcase your focus, even if it looks f'in terrible and is like watching paint peel." Another school says, "Virtually all studios make everybody wear different hats at times, so wow us with what you can do. We'll be looking for skills for the particular job you applied for, but if you've show other strengths, we won't forget about those."
San Francisco is a very artist friendly area. Variety you will find there. I think you'll enjoy the experience. Be realistic as far as your goals, because life is competitive, but I think you'll find support and a new outlook as far as your art there. Keep us updated.
I like your site and work.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.