If you are offended by language or horror please leave now. *P.S I do NOT want your opinions on this script, thank you.
This will air sometime this summer, if anyone could help out I'd aprpeciate it thank!
Characters and Auditions
I am only listing the main characters, but if you would like a role in the movie I will gladly accept any spare actors. This is just a small student film so only around 22,000 people or so, will see it by November 17th.
I have also provided a partial script for you if you would like to take a look through it.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *door opens* *happy to see you tone* Hey Bryant how have you been man? Damn how long has it been?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *happy to see you tone* Heha, about 3 years bro... Hows Liz?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *upset* Man Liz didn't want to stay together with me anymore... I guess it was time for her to move on or something... I still think of her, but I'm doing alot better now.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *sympathetic tone* Aww damn man sorry to hear, but don't worry plenty more of fish out in the sea huh? *trying to cheer up Jake*
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *upset* Yeah it's all good though. Speaking of which, where is that girls of yours?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *disturbed voice* Ahh she cheated on me with that son of a bitch Jeremy Bakeston. I got a new woman now shes out in the car bringing in the rest of the luggage, haha.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal* Haha you'll never change will ya?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *cheerful voice* Never need a reason to! Haha *door slams up* *you gasp a bit from being startled*
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *angry* Bryant you lazy ass this is it I am never going to help you ever again!
Jake and Bryant both laugh
01. Hahaha!
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *angry* You guys are both assholes! *gets frustrated and walks out and you can hear her walking away furious* A few seconds after she drops the luggage and went upstairs she screams. *horror movie typical scream*
Jake and Bryant both panic and run upstairs
01. *running up stairs they're screaming out Leah* They open the door and see her in the corner.
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *very upset* AHHHH! *crying*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *disturbed voice* Leah talk to me what is wrong what happened?!
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *very upset still* AHHHH! *crying*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *disturbed voice* Talk to me babe what is wrong! Talk to me!
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *very upset still* *trying to cope and talk* *she points to the closet* The...The...The man in the mirror! Thats me! *crying*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *suspicious voice* *notions Jake to open the closet back up* Check it...
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *nervous* *the door opens* *gets startled and jumps back*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *looks at a dirty mirror with a few rats wondering around the dresser which the mirror is hoisted* *begins to chuckle* Ha... Hahaha Leah babe it's only your reflection haha babe why are you so upset?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *chuckles* Haha! Leah you had me goin' I thought there was some old pervert with a knife in there, hahaha!
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *upset* *recoopes* *gets up and looks in the mirror and touches it* I swear I saw a man he was awful looking.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *chuckles* Leah I don't mean to be a dick, but could it be one of the fifty halloween masks in this room? *laughs*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Damnit Leah last night you did this, because there was a dead rat outside our steps and now your seeing things? You need to go back on your meds...
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *pist* F&%k you Bryant thats it! I don't need to take your bullshit, I'm unpacking and going to bed!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* It's 4 PM babe.
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *pist* Don't you cock off to me Bryant I am certainly no mood to deal with your shit! Got it?!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *skiddish voice* I uh... *door slams before he can say anything* Ugh... Shes being such a bitch lately I haven't even done anything to her.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *sensitive to the situation* Wanna goto the club tonight bro? It'll get your mind off of things.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *unsure voice* Uh... I don't know if I should bro Leah would be pist.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *considerate* She doesn't have to know man. We're just going out to get your mind off of things, alrite?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *unsure voice* You know what... I think I might... I deserve my own away time.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *confident* Thats right.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pleasent* a'ight now get the hell out so I can change, heha.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *playful voice* I'm out I need to take a shower anyways, I smell like ass.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pleasent* *lifts heavy luggage into his room* *grunts a bit* *whistles a medoly while dressin*
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *cheerful voice* *sings song (any recognizable song of your choice)*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pleasent whistling* *turns around and gasps in horror* *looks away and looks back and nothing is in that same mirror that Leah looked in*
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *cheerful voice still singing and turns off the shower*
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *yells* Bryant! Get the phone!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *still in a bit of shock and closes the closet* *Laughs it off..*
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *yells* Bryant! Get the phone dipshit!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *yells* I got it! *answers the phone* Yellowwww.
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Yo Bryant there?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Eric?
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Yeah who be this?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Bro this is Bryant!
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Bryant? Damn how you doin' man?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Great whats been goin' on?
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Great, hey listen I won't be able to make it up there with you guys this weekend I got family troubles I got to take care of..
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Awww sorry you can't make it, but hey me and Jake are going out tonight so I'll catch you later a'ight?
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Sounds good, take care.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* You too, bye.
Eric (male, early 20s)
voice: medium, medium-low, slang
Eric Corlett
01. *normal voice* Bye.
**Footsteps and a bit of creeking**
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Yo Bryant you ready?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Yep, let me get my shoes.
**Car door closes**
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Who was on the phone?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Eric.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Oh really? Did you tell him we're going out?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Yeah, but he can't make it.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Oh, why?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Family issues or some shit.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Okay... Anyways... So you are you goin' to get a girl man? Don't Leah know haha.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* No man I just want to get drunk fucked up and goto sleep.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Hahaha okay.
**Car revs down**
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* *phone rings* Yo Bryant hang on! *answers* Hello?
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *normal voice* Jake where are you guys?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Uh we just got to the movie theater.
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *normal voice* Can you guys come back?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Why whats goin' on? Miss Bryant already, hahaha.
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *normal voice* No I hear someone walking upstairs and it's got me nervous.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* It couldn't be those monster rats again could it? *chuckle a bit*
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *angry voice* Jake stop being an asshole and get back here I hear it moving around alot more now.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Leah it's fine I'll call you later okay? Bye. *hangs up phone*
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *normal voice* Ja... Bastard...
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *nervous voice* *walks upstairs* Hello? Anyone up there?
Leah (female, early 18-22 ish)
voice: high, preppy, cheerleader type
Leah Rogers
01. *normal voice* *screams* *gurgles*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Who was that?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Hey who was that?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Hey who is it?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Wrong number, now let's go get you a girl!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Let's go!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* ***Improv as if you were in a club***
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* ***Improv as if you were in a club***
Natalie (female, 18-22)
voice: high, ditzy, whorish <-- No offense to women
01. *normal voice* Are you goin' to like call me?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* I got your number don't I?
Natalie (female, 18-22)
voice: high, ditzy, whorish <-- No offense to women
01. *normal voice* *giggle* Yes, mwhaa.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Peace.
**Both walk out into the car the door shuts**
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Haha, I see you got a number or two there.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* Fuckin' right
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* *car revs and they take off* Yo give Leah a call she was a bit scared earlier.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* When earlier?
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* You know, when I said that it was the wrong number.
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *normal voice* You shithead!
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* I thought you knew I was lying?
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pissy voice* Now I'll be sleeping on that nasty ass couch. Thanks alot fucker.
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *pissy voice* The fuck dude don't be pist at me, because you're a dumb shit!
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pissy voice* Dickhead just give me the fuckin' phone!
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *pissy voice* Here! *tosses the phone at him*
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pissy voice* Faggot. *phone rings* *continues, but no answer* Dude shes not answering!
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* Maybe due to the fact that it's 1:30 AM? Hahaha
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pissy voice* Shit dude now I won't even be to look at her without her yelling at me now!
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *normal voice* It's not my fault... Okay yeah it is... Hahahaha
Bryant (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, preppy, slang
Bryant Lochners
01. *pissy voice* It's not fuckin' funny you shithead!
Jake (male, early 20s)
voice: medium/medium-high, sensitive
Jake T. Bernhardt
01. *gitty voice* *whipes tears from eyes* Haha okak, okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We're almost there.
This isn't a voice acting forum so I doubt you'll get much here.
Try this place:
Hope that helps :) The people there are great.
James :cool:
It's best you write that out as a script. It's not easy to follow in the way you set it out.
try also www.voice123.com - there are a lot of people wanting to get experience.
all the best with your project