A request relating comic books

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A request relating comic books

Can anyone help me to get some DETAILED info on history of comics..?? Thanking You.



I would have to say your best place for good information is a book. Although I have seen these books I have not read any of them. They are not hard to find and the information is going to be better than anything that could be posted here.

I'll second that motion. Comics have been around so long, if you hit up a library you're bound to get more information than you're looking for and wind up with the problem of narrowing it down =)

There is a museum exhibit traveling around the country called Master's of American Comics. It showcases fifteen of the most influencial and groundbreaking comic creator/artists, from Windsor McCay to Chris Ware and Gary Panter. There is a companion book by the same title available at Barnes and Noble or any other large bookstore.