My First CG animation

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My First CG animation

I'm finally in my CG animation classes and this is my first animation that's dealing with the character acting along with dialogue. The audio clip is of a PG-13 nature, just so you are warend.


All critiques welcomed.

nice work

:) nice1 you managed to capture gestures in the hands and body language that emphasised the audio, the character is fluid and not too synchronised which adds to the quality.

Nice work, I just wish I could have played the sound too.

You have a solid looking base going. Two things I would change how ever. That first point and look back. I think it's an unnecessary pose. What is she supposed to be pointing at? The second thing is the second point towards the end. Again, what is she pointing at? The pose is on screen for such a brief time, it doesn’t have time to read clearly. It would clear things up if you hold on the pose before then move into the last pose with both arms up in the air. I also think that last pose could be pushed more by standing her up with her arms over her head instead of hunched over with the arms up. It feels very un-natural the way it is. Also I think your poses are hitting a bit late. I find it helps if you hit your pose a couple of frames before the point in the dialogue that you want to hit. Ok, that was like three and a half things to change. Essentially I think there are too many poses. You don’t have to hit every dialogue accent with a new pose. If the character is constantly moving from pose to pose, none of the poses are going to stand out as an accent. A pose will read better if it’s preceded by calm rather than several smaller poses.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

I think it's important to make this character seems more feminine. I didn't really get that sense of older lady in the acting.

The shaking stuff needs to be smaller but higher frequency, with the legs looking like they're still carrying the weight. The tremors should run through the body.

Another general thing I would say about your animation is that you must connect all of the body parts together to make your gestures. A limb may drive a gesture, but this will carry through the body/head/whatever. A good example of this would be your head turn. It is pretty extreme for a person, and would almost certainly bring the shoulders with it. Bad explanation, I know, but you see what I'm getting at?

Hope this helps. A good solid start! Keep going!
: )