how to avoid re-tracing in Flash

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how to avoid re-tracing in Flash


a lot of shots we work on are posed out on paper before we take them to flash. drawing directly in Flash hasnt worked.

is there any way of posing somethign nicely cleaned up but not having to vertorize in Flash?

I don't know if Illustrator does batch commands the same way Photoshop does, but in a graphic design class I'm in now they took the old Streamline supposedly and stuck it in retooled as the Live Trace feature. If you could build something that placed an image in, did that, and saved back out it could work...

I have had very strong success with that particular tool. It's sensitive but also kinda seems to get what you want. I've only used it for drawings.

i dont have a copy of illustrator in the studio coz we work fotoshop. but ill look into livetrace.

i remember trying streamline a while ago but i dont remember much of it.


when you work on your Flash shows and you have to add hand drawn elements do you lot draw directly to Flash or you draw on paper - scan- trace?

i dont have a copy of illustrator in the studio coz we work fotoshop.

These two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can be quite complimentary; I use both all the time.

I don't quite understand your initial question Skinny. Are you looking for another program to vectorize your drawings?

We usually Frankenstein new poses out of previous assets. We take arms, torsos, legs and things that are close to the pose we want and put them in the pose. Then if we need to we'll draw new assets right in Flash.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


a lot of shots we work on are posed out on paper before we take them to flash. drawing directly in Flash hasnt worked.

is there any way of posing somethign nicely cleaned up but not having to vertorize in Flash?

Agree with Ape, not sure the nature of you're question, but flash does have methods where you can clean up pencil illustrations. I am not an avid flash user, but I'm fairly sure there are ways to clean up rough work. If Flash just doesn't do it for you check out Toonboom or even better IMO TVPaint Animation Pro There's no vectorization in TVP all pixel rendering, sorta like painter or photoshop.
Most animation production software has some form of clean up method, but again I may be missing the point of your question. Hope this helps - take care.

sorry guys maybe i am not very clear with my question.blame it on distance :)

my question was basically

i am presently working on a 12 min film for a producer here. we get the storyboards and then for a lot of scenes we need poses (as its supposed to mimic a trad drawn clip)

what bugs me is that for a lot of the poses i need to retrace them due to the nature of the angles etc. what i would like to have is some kind of a tool which would just vectorize the outlines for me automatic. so i dont spend the animators time in going over the lines.