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Artists and animators

Hi gang,

I'm looking for as many super hero comic, manga, anime artists and animators from all over the world as I can find.

I own a company that provides art staff leasing in the Philippines and Asia and I'm also looking to fill artist positions all over.

This is totally legit.

I spent the last year and a half living in the Philippines. I worked as President of an American internet consulting firm and also as a story consultant for a small animation house. While I was there I was able to travel quite a bit and visited both China and Japan. I couldn’t believe the number of talented artists I met who couldn’t find work where they lived because many of the animation studios and production houses had moved abroad. When I returned to the states I decided to work as an agent for the guys I met and do what I could to share their talent with an international audience.

I've since started my company which specializes, again, in art staff leasing and am also working to fill comic, manga and other art positions.

Shoot me your resume and samples and we'll talk about what more I can do for you.


Email: info a-t thunderpunchstudios d-o-t com

rigel496's picture
Submitted by rigel496 on

if it's so legit than how come you have to put $1000 to start-up?

tombrusky's picture
Submitted by tombrusky on

where do you see $1000? did you contact him and thats what he told?

if this guy is asking potentional freelancers to contribute $1,000 to help his start-up that would be a red flag so big that even communist soviet union wouldn't have been able to fly it. definitely not kosher.

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Well, I don't know the lead poster from a hole in the ground, but I'm what he's looking for--but I'm just not interested.

See, he says what he's "offering" is legit, but he commits a cardinal sin in the process.

What sin might that be?

He doesn't put his name to his offer.

What good is it when someone comes along, makes some really interesting ( albeit pie-in-the-sky kind of ) offer, but leaves it as a faceless, non-personal entity??
That always send up warning flags to me.

What it means is that he might actually be legit, might have a sincere offer and be full of good intentions, but not saying who he is blows it. How can anyone trust a person who is not willing to be forthcoming from the very start.

This is a perennial beef of mine, and forums like this see it all the time. It makes the offers into jokes, nothing to be taken seriously because the the person offering it doesn't fully communicate sincerity.
Adding a legit name to the offer doesn't affect the privacy of the person making the offer. Its just a identifier.....something specific to refer to an ACTUAL person by--and its essential to have in any business. Its essential because giving your name is the first step in building trust.

This is just plain ol' common sense. Someone doing sincere, legit business has no need to withhold their name. Someone withholding their name lends suspicion to their deeds, and using a false name clarifies ill intent.

Now that all said, I'd like the lead poster to come back along and offer up his real name.

The other thing that bugs me is the guy's offer: Art staff leasing???

Bear with me here: if someone is talented enough to be of use to a client.......why not be hired by that client directly? Why be part of a staff that get's hired out to clients and have that income obviously parted out between the artist and the company? The lead poster is not talking about opening a studio, he's talking about acting as an agent for the artists.
Why do artists need that kind middleman in the way??
The agent will use our skills and sample to bring in the work.......why can't the artist do that themselves? Seriously, a show of voices as to who is willing to divide your paycheque with some guy that just "found the job"?
Heh, we don't even know what the cut will be.......

Sorry, this sounds like yet another fellow who knows very little about the animation business at all, and seeks to capitalize on what they think are ignorant artists.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

LoveClassics's picture

comics pay on a "per completed page" basis, as I have said many times before.

Until you exhibit the ability to pay even the MINIMUM $ per page (example, the standard $60 USD for pencilled pages alone, NOT including inks or colours, and that's for a newb, the rates go well beyond THREE TIMES THAT), and then speak of royalties on TOP of that, you have no idea of the biz and should be avoided, sorry.

This comes from someone who got $1000 USD (paid in NET THREE CALENDAR days, I add) from Todd McFarlane for a Spawn pin up and got paid a great rate plus royalties I STILL receive for a Sandman for Vertigo.

Until you speak in specifics for comics/manga, you are the PLAGUE and should f--k off, sorry, since ALL comics are run by the MAFIA known as "distributors" and you have n even mentioned if you have a Dist. Deal, and if you don't, you will go broke and NOT be able to sell ANY issues of any comic.

I make no apologies for the tone of this reply, because with all the cons and sheisters out there, frankly, I don't need to.

[I]I'll work 10 hours a day for $350.

Andreas does the photoshop posters for Paramount, gets $700 per day at 7 hours plus an hour off for lunch.

You do the math as to which is a better deal.[/I]