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2d animation project

By bmixter | Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 12:59pm

skype B.Mixter

My name is B.Mixter. I have a comic that I need animated in 2d. The first episodes will be 30 minutes in lenght. I have a small recording studio, I will provide all music and all dialog. Below are 11 dates... One per week. For each of these dates, can you produce 3 minutes of animation per week for 10 weeks. That would complete the first episode. This would mean by February 28, 2007, you could have the first 30 minute episode and the trailer complete. Attached are 3 samples from the comic. In this clip the main character is having a nightmare. he is laying in the bed sleep. in his dream he is straped to a barber chair by his neck and wrist. he stuggles to get out of the chair. Suddenly blood begins to fall on his face and then a striaght razor comes SLASHING! down towards his neck and he wakes up frightened and scared. Can you show him moving around in the bed alot while he dreams and the motion of the blade coming down. Also can you transition him from sleeping on the futon to him in his dream. maybe the background spinning of something. I would like to see what you can do with this clip.It will be in black and white very simple but artistic.

December 20, 2006
December 27, 2006
January 3, 2007
January 10, 2007
January 17, 2007
January 24, 2007
January 31, 2007
February 7, 2007
February 14, 2007
February 21, 2007
February 28, 2007

Thank You
skype B.Mixter

bmixter's picture
B.Mix skype B.Mixter

Dave's picture
Submitted by Dave on

You might wanna rethink your strategy.
Even on 2's with a single layer you're asking for 2160 drawings a week (3x60x12); and that's without having a storyboard or layout to work from.
Even putting in as many holds as possible you won't find anyone that can pump out that kind of footage on a regular basis.


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits

Dave's picture
Submitted by Dave on

Hard to say; that all depends on your budget and the quality you're shooting for. 30 mins isn't a job for a single animator, no matter how you look at it; if you want any kind of acceptable quality you'll need a studio to pull this off.
In a nutshell; getting this thing produced start to finish is likely to look a lot more like a marathon than the 20 yard dash to februari that you're envisioning now.


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

No storyboards done? A script?????
How many scenes? Where are the cuts? Camera moves? Slugging/Sheet timing?? What's the action/acting going to be?
How can you determine that without a 'board?
How about layouts for the animation? Backgrounds? Designs? Editing and Post?

You want this by end February 2007?

Lemme guess...........little or no budget???

No way, ain't gonna happen.
No-one sane would touch a job like this.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Dave's picture
Submitted by Dave on

but Ken, what about the honour and prestige? With this on your resume young virgins would be throwing themselves at your feet; men would buy you drinks and wanna be your friend, and Hollywood would roll out the red carpet:D

All kidding aside it seems this is more naivete than maliciousness. I especially like how this animator wouldn't be getting a single day off for Christmas and Newyears.


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits

bmixter's picture
Submitted by bmixter on

Please... I repent oh ye' animation gods.:eek: I just poured the last year and a half into a book. It's now converted into a manuscript. We are 30 page deep into its conversion into a graphic novel. I spoke with a guy who took a few pages and turned it into an animated clip. view here
I just got excited at the thought but I just not comfortable with offshoring animations just yet. Plus i dont know good animation from bad... I produce hip hop. the sound track and the story is my focus. i need hella help with everything else.

skype B.Mixter

Dave's picture
Submitted by Dave on

Okay, so you're talking Flash animation, which is an entirely different ballgame. One which I know very little about.
My suggestion would be to rephrase your post (so it doesn't look like one of the shady joboffers animators get bombarded with all the time) and ask some of the Flash guys in the Cafe what would be the best route to take and what sort of timetable and budget to expect for producing something like this.
I still think 30 mins in 10 weeks is hardly realistic to produce something that anyone but your closest friends and family would be willing to sit through.

You might also wanna convert that example into something else; opening a strangers .exe file is quite the leap of faith to take :D


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Here's a bone tossed to give a lil' insight into how long the process can take:

On monday the 18th, I'm starting a storyboard for a 22 minute ( 1/2 hour) cartoon. Deadline is the middle of January.
One month for the 'board for a 1/2 hour ep--and that's JUST the storyboard.
There'll be two bodies working on the thing, because its too much work to do in a day for just one of us. Its not just the drawing either, its all the thinking that goes into it--carefully tackled so it all makes sense.

With slugging, animatic and the other steps on your job, you wouldn't be starting layout for a 2D show for another 2-3 weeks after that, and then layout would take at least 5-6.
End of Feb. to complete the animation is a no-go.
Obviously animation just isn't something you just jump into and BOOM, its done.

B. Mix, the info you need to bone up on is out there, go get it. Books, magaizines, on-line sites.......there's a ton of data on the whole animation process from start to finish.
Making an offer like this will get you laughed at and treated like a naive neophyte.........okay, too late. Point being is that if you really care about your project, take the time to give it what it deserves; your attention and control--to all its aspects.

Not knowing about this other part of the process ( animation et al.) puts you at a disadvantage and opens up the potential for you to get screwed by the unscrupulous.
Nobody wants that.
The kind of offer you made gets the piss taken out of it on a regular basis around these parts because its so unnecessary--a LOT people don't do their homework. In a way, they deserve the ridicule because in swimming with us sharks (working with the pros) you don't want to make assumptions or you will get bitten.

The better informed you are, the better decisions you can make and the better offer you can make to the folks you want to work on your project. The project you have in mind will be better for that kind of effort and that's the whole point here.

Take a week or three and do some intensive research/reading and then try it again.
Come back knowing what you are really doing and you'll find a lot more people will take you seriously.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)