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How many animators involved?

By plasma | Friday, January 12, 2007 at 3:58pm

AnImAtion is coNceNtRatioN


For things to work well... how many animators are required for a 22 minutes episode and how fast are they supposed to work?

I don´t know exactly but everytime I read the credits lot of people is on the list


plasma's picture
AnImAtion is coNceNtRatioN

Robert.A's picture
Submitted by Robert.A on

The show that I am currently on has around 20 animators. I have worked on series that have had as few as 6 and as many as 100. Depends on the process and complexity.

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

plasma's picture
Submitted by plasma on

Hi Robert, thanks for your answer, and for you 20, how long it takes to finish a single 22 mins episode?


AnImAtion is coNceNtRatioN

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Hi Robert, thanks for your answer, and for you 20, how long it takes to finish a single 22 mins episode?


There is someone here who knows the inner workings of "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends". It sounds like you are looking for an average time, for whatever reasone, that a episode takes to be completed.

Robert.A's picture
Submitted by Robert.A on

Hi Robert, thanks for your answer, and for you 20, how long it takes to finish a single 22 mins episode?


Well, the animation gets done in 4 weeks. We are working in flash and are on season 2 so there is a very large library to draw from. From begining to end it is much longer though. Here are some rough numbers that I am pulling out of my sleep deprived mind:
Script 4 weeks. Storyboard- 2 artists- 6 weeks. Leica editing/timing/board revision/conform 3 weeks. Design ( happens sort of during leica and part of boards) 3 weeks. Scene breakdown-assembly 2 weeks. Animation 4 weeks. Post production 3 weeks. So around 25 weeks or so. This has become a really tight process since most people have been on it from the start.
I wouldn't have so few animators on a new show! 16 seconds a week can sound pretty scary but it IS flash.

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

Sandrock's picture
Submitted by Sandrock on

Hi Plasma. In the studio where I used to work for, it took us two weeks to complete a 22 minute episode. This was a Flash series. We had two teams of 12 animators each with an additional 4 for back up, and each team tackles an episode for two weeks. Each animator was required to complete a quota of roughly 35 seconds of animation a week. It was easy for the fast ones to come up with 60 seconds a week.

On the traditional side the turnaround is a bit longer. Traditional animators are required at least 10 feet of animation per week (I am not sure now, it's been a while since).

The current series I am working on is a 7 minute per episode. There's roughly 10 animators on the show and each does 40-45 seconds per week. That's one 7 minute episode completed each week.

Like what Robert A. said, it does depend on the complexity and style of the show.
