Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
For over a year my big old monitor has been failing and everything has been covered in a pee colored haze. Just inherited my nieces old monitor and for the first time I can see the XP blue. Pretty impressive. Just had to celebrate.
When working on my graphics for hire, I'd work them up in grayscale then burn them to a cd and take them up to a friends computer to work out the color details. It was a real pain in the butt, especially when I was working on some short deadlines and they required revisions. I tried to memorize the pallets in some of the programs I used, but that wasn't always surefire and using the eyedropper was a great way to end up in trouble.
Anyway I can see clearly now...the pee is gone! Sounds like and old hippy song doesn't it?
Phacker, glad to hear that you're no longer color-deficient. Although if you're doing work for hire and you couldn't afford to replace your monitor, you might want to think about revising your rate structure :D
Seriously, it can be a huge pain to work with a piece of equipment that's not pulling it's own weight. Glad to hear your setup has improved.
Agreed. But the freelance market is cutthroat at the moment. Actually more than the moment, more like the last three years.
For a self proclaimed colorist it was extremely hard. Everything isn't teal anymore. Even though I knew it wasn't I spent so much time on the old monitor it was hard getting used to seeing true blue again.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Almost have to wear sunglasses now. But I am not complaining.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.