Flashpotatoes LLC
Hi everyone, I just established my own business and it's booming! More work than I can handle myself. I'm looking for flash animators to hire on as independent contractors. The current pay rate would be somewhere between $15 and 20 an hour. I make $20-25 an hour myself, so I'm going to do the best I can for you! I want to grow my business to have full-time employees in the future, but for now, I can only offer temporary jobs working on specific projects.
If interested, please send me a link or links to your work on-line or .swf files with your best animation. I'm mainly looking for Flash animators , but if you can animate with other programs that export .swf files, like Moho, Toon Boom, or others send it my way.
I'm looking for animators who love doing cartoony stuff like that on my site:
I also offer a family friendly environment for anyone who comes aboard. I have strict moral standards that I adhere to in all my work. Check out my services page to get a better idea of what kind of things I do and don't do.
If this offer sounds good to you, send your stuff to flashpotatoes@gmail.com with Flashpotatoes Animator in the subject line.
Wyatt S. miles
Emailed and attachments away
Animation writer who loves...Animation!
Thanks Everyone!
Thanks to everyone that has responded to this posting. I've found enough help for now, but feel free to send me your stuff still if you'd like. I want to keep a list of talented artists on hand in the event that business increases.
Flashpotatoes LLC