Flashpotatoes LLC
Hey everyone,
Here's a little rough sketch I did just for fun. I love the outdoors and hope that we can all try a little harder to keep it beautiful.
Nicely done! I like it! (I'm also an outdoor guy):)
Thanks Atomic,
Thanks for the compliment. Ahhhh, the Wacom tablet in Photoshop. Such a wonderful combination. I'm thinking of ponying up the $2,500 for the Cintiq tablet sometime in the near future. I still enjoy pen on paper occasionally, but digital is so much faster and cleaner. I have had my Wacom Tablet for about 3-4 years. The best $500 investment I've ever made. I've heard the Cintiq is even better. I suppose it must be for that kind of money. If anyone out there has a Cintiq, please tell me what you think.
Flashpotatoes LLC
I just got my very first Wacom a couple of weeks ago, 'cept I got the cheap 4X5 Graphire, because I'm new at this, I figure if I like it and want to upgrade to something bigger and better, I'm not out a lot cash , and I can alway use the one at my office or something. I tell ya, it's not intuitive, using this thing. I draw on it almost every night attempting to get the hang of it... I feel like a teenager having sex for the first time: "sloppy, misdirected, but full of passion and enthusiasm":eek:
But like the teenager, I get a little bit better every time!;)
Tablet Size
It's not the size of your tablet, but how you use it. :D I've worked on all sizes of tablets at various studios and at school. Once you get used to drawing on one, the adjustments from tablet to tablet are easy to make. After just a few minutes, I find that I adjust to whatever size I'm on. For someone just starting out, I would actually recommmend the smaller tablets. They're a lot cheaper and work just as well for most tasks.
Flashpotatoes LLC
Hopefully you have better stamina too. ;)
Yeah, drawing on a tablet is a little strange at first since you're not looking at your hand. It's more like blind contour drawing to me. You'll get the hang of it though.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."