Searching for a specific animated scene...

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Searching for a specific animated scene...

Years ago I remember viewing an animated battle scene that took place on a giant stone staircase. It was one "guy" against hundreds and hundreds of foes. I think the little things he was fighting were blue maybe. I can't be sure if it was an animated short or part of a feature animated film or what. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Can you remember any other scenes like how did he get there? Is it possible that it could be part of a game? Are you an animator can you show us your work?

Not to send you away from this forum but you could try Animation Insider.

If you ever get back here. It came to me today, what you are talking about is the very famous "Dragon Lair" which is a game with a lot of video clips.
The guy was thin, tall, and wore a bullet hat and a red shirt.

If you ever get back here. It came to me today, what you are talking about is the very famous "Dragon Lair" which is a game with a lot of video clips.
The guy was thin, tall, and wore a bullet hat and a red shirt.

I think he lost a chance to talk about "Dragon Lair", it's very pity! but would you like to tell me something about the game althrough i really have no mamery about it?

You can Google most of the information and see some screen shots. If you still have some questions let me know.