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Animation School in Japan or self taught?

By Ericldj | Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 5:55am

My name is Eric and I'm not really into the college thing here in the U.S.
I just started drawing and I Know I want to persue 2D animation ONLY!
I really want to go to Japan to study japanese and I could honestly care less about the degree. I feel like if I have the will and work hard I should be fine. I'm asking you all if I should teach myself ( with the help of books of course) or maybe take a few classes at a school for the things I get stuck at. If I was told correctly you don't need a degree and people will hire you if your work is great and that's what I want to ultimetly achieve.
I also want to study animation in Japan if I had the chance and I'm applying for a full ride scholarship there so I won't be so much in debt then going to a school like full sail or scad.
What do you guys think?

I only want 2D and I don't like the trend of 3D in america.
I'm starting my own studio so working for anyone else ( except maybe for those for a japanese company for a little while).

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

My name is Eric and I'm not really into the college thing here in the U.S.
I just started drawing and I Know I want to peruse 2D animation ONLY!

Hi Eric
Starting off by sticking to your passion of 2D animation sounds ok to me.
There is a lot of work ahead for you because it sounds like you do not have any formal training in drawing.

I really want to go to Japan to study japanese and I could honestly care less about the degree. I feel like if I have the will and work hard I should be fine. I'm asking you all if I should teach myself ( with the help of books of course) or maybe take a few classes at a school for the things I get stuck at.

So you have two very large goals, animation and doing animation in Japan.
You will need to learn Japanese if you are going to work and study in Japan.
If would be a very good idea to study the culture before going, other wise you could have bigger problems than not knowing how to speak Japanese. You could teach your self so to know that you do have the discipline to self learn, see what you can accomplish in the next 16 weeks. I am talking about drawing but you should also be looking into learning Japanese.

If I was told correctly you don't need a degree and people will hire you if your work is great and that's what I want to ultimately achieve.

Yes and to learn more about that you need to read through the thread " So you want to be an Animator? Here's what to expect." The thread is in "The Animation Cafe", it is a sticky so you can not miss it.

I also want to study animation in Japan if I had the chance and I'm applying for a full ride scholarship there so I won't be so much in debt then going to a school like full sail or scad.
What do you guys think?

I only want 2D and I don't like the trend of 3D in america.
I'm starting my own studio so working for anyone else ( except maybe for those for a japanese company for a little while).

You should try your local college first.

Best of luck to you and please show us your work so we can follow you.

Ericldj's picture
Submitted by Ericldj on

Thank you so much!
I'm reading the thread now.
2D seems a lot more challenging then 3D and I feel if I work hard I can even teach others.
Do you know a way I could possibly find a mentor so I could learn the ropes.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Thank you so much!
I'm reading the thread now.
2D seems a lot more challenging then 3D and I feel if I work hard I can even teach others.
Do you know a way I could possibly find a mentor so I could learn the ropes.

As for challenging, 2D is not harder than 3D, you have to follow the same principle of animation. In all the videos of professionals talking about their craft, they all start off with hand drawn.

The only free mentoring I have ever heard of is a internship and you need to be really good to get one of those.

Best of luck.

Ericldj's picture
Submitted by Ericldj on

As for challenging, 2D is not harder than 3D, you have to follow the same principle of animation. In all the videos of professionals talking about their craft, they all start off with hand drawn.

The only free mentoring I have ever heard of is a internship and you need to be really good to get one of those.

Best of luck.

Well I feel that if I pursue classical animation (2D) then overall my drawing skills would become better eventually. I'm taking 3D animation in high school now and I can see the significant differnce from me, someone with no formal art background, then someone with one and doesn't 2D animation help more with maintaining skills in perspective and anantomy along with more options for art careers aside from just animation?

I'm just curious

Adhyyan's picture
Submitted by Adhyyan on

Hi, I am Adhyyan  and I am from Indian. 

I have the same thoughts like Eric, but the thing is that i am already enrolled in a college and studying animation. But as you could guess, the things that i have learnt for the past year since enrollment  are not what you would expect to learn in this field. Also I wanted to learn how to draw manga, as I am seeking to become a manga artist as well. So i would like to ask that is there any age restriction in japan, like if i got enrolled in a college to study animation again and maybe manga afterwards. I am about to turn 19 in a couple of weeks by the way.

Yaroon's picture
Submitted by Yaroon on

Hey adhyyan, I'm Yaroon from India too, though I've not applied for anything yet, I wanna to study in animation too how can I apply? Can u please help me, I'm 17 will be 18 in June xD, idk how to go Japan, one of my friend told me if the college have exchange student program u can go there, can u please tell me the procedure u followed and can u recommend me a animation college =') I'm looking for these thing since 1 month and I don't understand anything my email is, my Facebook is Yaroon Gupta please if possible help me

aprilbel's picture
Submitted by aprilbel on

Hi Yaroon, I go to this new animation school in Bangalore India and they teach differently than any other schools I've seen here. You can check out this link if you are interested the head teacher is from the US and he worked for Dreamworks and she is really good. They teach what you need to know to work not just software, like real art and storytelling. 


LovDov's picture
Submitted by LovDov on

For those who also have a similar question, I want to say that it's better to try it locally, as it's important to understand it fits or not your interests. I've something similar while starting my journalism career, I've decided to write an article for essay writing services, and I've understood that it's not for me. Now, I work as a 3d artist, and I'm happy that I've made the right choice.