Hello =)
I'm non-English speaker but I want to work in Canada as an 3D animator later. I would ask you some advice on the online animation school, especially between AnimationMentor and Ianimate.
I've learned Maya and animation for about 5 months so I have some knowledge (including some basic motions) and I'm still making my first demo reel. But I think my skill is not enough to work so I need more professional education. And I heard that for foreigners, it is much better to get a job abroad if they take classes from colleges abroad or popular online schools. Also those should help me improve the communication skills in English.
I can't afford to go to colleges so I'll take classes, either AimationMentor or IAnimate. But it's not easy to choose one because their is a big difference.
AnimationMentor has too long curriculums and I can't skip their workshops. In Ianimate, I heard that I can skip some workshops (I don't know how many workshops I can skip... it depends on the quality of my first demo reel). If I can skip, I can save time and money.. Right?
If I can skip some workshops in Ianimate, is it okay to learn from Ianimate or should I learn the basic courses (like ball bounce, walking..) again in AnimationMentor?
I'm a little confused that I need learn from basic education to refine everything. And if I have a certificate of AnimationMentor, it will be benefitial or helpful to apply for companies? (Especially to non native speaker & not animation major like me.)
I know demo reel quality and improving my skill depend on my effort.. But I need some advice.
Thanks for reading!
Hi Supericon,
I would suggest contacting each school and asking what their current graduate placement rate is. That will let you know how effective their education and networks are. I went to www.animschool.com for Modeling. They are more famous for animation and I know their placement rate is around 87%. Meaning 87% of their graduates get a job in the Animation field.
So, if you want to get the most out of your money, then I would find out what each school has to offer for their graduates.
Hi JacobVan,
Thank you for your kind comment.
I'll take your advice and then I will choose one :)
Hi Supericon,
If you want to work in Canada, attend a school there. Here is the only online school (and largest)
Thank you guys for sharing these links on the schools. I tried myself a little in this deal while I was on quarantine, so I decided to move on. I remember when at college I use https://uk.edubirdie.com/ to help me do my assignment related to design/animation and know I will learn it because of my own desire. I was truly the best essay writing service in the UK, but interest in animation was given by my close friend. I helped him with preparing his project) I think I will try to learn it.
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I think that it's better to start from the basics and choose AimationMentor. Knowledge is never superfluous, and practice makes you better in this field. Animation is really interesting for studying, and I wish you good luck.
Hey, I am also studying in an animation academy in japan. I also come through a similar dilemma as yours. But my friends suggested me in these cases taking guidance from an affordable assignment help is the best way to tackle such issues. I have tried them personally, and I have been provided with many great animating tools and ideas. I would like to suggest it to you too!
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As a non-English speaker aspiring to be a 3D animator in Canada, both AnimationMentor and IAnimate are excellent choices for professional education. Since you already have some knowledge of Maya and animation, either program will help refine your skills and boost your demo reel. Additionally, these schools can improve your English communication, which is crucial for working abroad. For reliable reviews on various services, including online casinos, check out NZ-casinoonline. It might provide useful insights as you make your decision. Good luck!