"Catch 22! Dark side of the moon! Galileo Galileo Figarooo!! Magnificoooo! Jesus wept! Forget it it's China Town! Back and to the Left!" - Harry Buckwit
Please watch this video - [link]
Grumpy and unlovable Harry Graham Buckwit has the unfortunate destiny of being HOST to HELL'S wrath, including pyromaniac teddy bears, parasites hijacking his 'train of thought', demonic possessions, ghosts, CIA chips in his brain, religious zealouts and irritating, revenue raising transit officers.
If you want to work on an interesting, animator driven project...
Perhaps just contributing some minor artwork or a small scene - fully acredited
Then please contact Gwynn.D.Earl at badeyedeers@gmail.com
Academics are not sacrificed
Academics are not sacrificed in the music department at these institutions, but one has to always be prepared to find what you want from my perfect resume.com and your child, especially those who have been immersed in PTA meetings their whole life.