6th. Animation Short Festival of Montevideo Comics

6th Animation Short Festival

As part of the 6th. annual Convention of Comics, Animation and Games named "Montevideo Comics" Animation Campus is calling for entries to animators from all over the World to submit their works to be screened at the big size screen of Cine Plaza Theater in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.

This is a unique opportunity to show realizer's work to over 3.000 people, according to last Convention's assistants. During two days people from all over the regios assist to this Convention, the biggest of his kind in this area, merging people highly interested in Animation, Games and Comics Art.

Animation Campus is the main sponsor for this Convention, joining artists from Uruguay, Argentina, Spain, Portugal and United States.


1. The submitions are opened to either individual artists or studios of animation who work in this art, no matter what kind of art or concept they develop. All kind of techinques and stories are welcome.

2. Selected works are going to be screened next May 15th., 2010 during the Convention of "Montevideo Comics" at the Plaza Cinema Theater in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay (big screen).

3. Techinque and stories are free. According to the audience's profile, it is recommended to submit stories related to either the world of Comics, action & adventures or Sci Fi. Non traditional artistic animation and/or hilarious stories are welcome too by this audience.

4. Animation Campus will publish in both its official website (www.animecampus.edu.uy) and the official magazine of the Convention the names and data of the selected animations and their respective authors.

5. Works must be submitted in either digital format (CD -AVI or MOV for PC- or DVD) or VHS plus all data referred to the author to: Animation Campus - Bulevar Artigas 1085, CP 11.200 Montevideo, Uruguay. All costs related to the delivery are under author responsability exclusively.

6. Optionally, author can submit his work electronically using some service of file exchanging of his preference. In this case, please contact us at: talleres@animecampus.edu.uy

7. Submission deadline is: Friday, May 7th. of 2010 at 10 pm.

8. Author authorize Animation Campus to screen this animationv just one time, exclusively during the Convention, in the date and place previously indicated. This material cannot be used for any other purpose that the Festival screening during the convention.

9. Selected animations will be announced by Animation Campus and opportunitely communicated to the authors via email.

10. Animation Campus will not return any material submitted for this festival.

11. The solely submition of a work implies the completely acceptation of these conditions.

12. For questions and answers please contact us at: talleres@animecampus.edu.uy

Good Luck!

Saturday, May 15, 2010 - 2:00pm to 10:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, May 7, 2010 - 10:00pm