Aboveground Animation @ Show Cave
3501 Eagle Rock Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.
December 30, 2010 9:00 - Midnight
Aboveground Animation debuts its manic, haunting and prurient series for 2011 on December 30th at Show Cave followed by a performance by Ashley Huizenga. Glam and hypnotic, she will perform live music and sacrifice. The one-night event will deliver an all new program including the world premiere of Mirror Mirror's music video as well as Kathleen Daniels' unearthly computer generated kaleidoscapes and Czech-born Krystof Pesek's Euclidian existential abstractions. Sixteen more animators contribute stop-motion gore, hand-drawn wackos and ethereal rotoscoping. Enjoy catharsis by Aboveground Animation at Show Cave.Participating Artists:Hugo Arcier, Robert Bittenbender, Cody Critcheloe, Kathleen Daniels, Bruno Dicolla, Ryan Doherty and Chris Letson, Barry Doupe, Erin Dunn, Casey Jane Ellison, Lauren Gregory, Ashley Huizenga, Clara Kim, Amy Lockhart, Rosa Menkman, Matthew Newman-Long, Krystof Pesek Seth Scriver, Lale WestvindWith Live Performance by Ashley Huizenga Admission: $5 Drinks Available