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Anima - Brussels Animation Film Festival

Anima 2010

The countdown has begun!

The next Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival, will take place in Flagey from 10 to 20 February 2010

Over one hundred and fifty films in the international competition (shorts and features, commercials, music videos), retrospectives, exhibitions, lessons, workshops for the kids, the Futurama professional days, round-table discussions, numerous guests and film concerts make Brussels an international appointment not to be ignored. It's also the place to find out about Belgian animation with a national competition and screenings in panorama. Add to that a very "Animated Night" full of films, and Anima easily confirms itself a "must" for the thirty thousand spectators that flock to Flagey, the prestigious cultural centre of Belgium's capital city.

The Anima 2010 competition

  • Award for the best feature film
  • Awards for the best short films
  • Award for the best graduation film
  • Award for the best commercial
  • Award for the best music video
  • Nomination for the Cartoon d'Or


Registration: 15 October 2009

Films received: 20 January 2010

Rules (pdf)

Entry Form (pdf)

Entry Form (doc)

Friday, February 12, 2010 - 8:00am to Saturday, February 20, 2010 - 5:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 8:00pm