Located in Los Angeles, California, Anime Expo, the nation's largest anime/manga convention, serves to foster trade, commerce and the interests of the general public and animation/ comics industry. This event serves as a key meeting place for the general public to express their interest and explore various aspects of anime/manga, as well as for members of the industry to conduct business. AX 2009 will be held July 2-5, 2009 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Southern California. More information can be found at its website (www.anime-expo.org).
The 2009 SPJA Industry Awards, one of the most prestigious awards that can be given to any studio and/or individual within the Anime/Manga industries to be held during the Industry Reception at Anime Expo on July 2. Finalists will be announced March 18 ,2009 for public online voting (voting ends May 29, 2009). Vote at www.spja.org.