The DancesWithFilms Film Festival will present MYTHIC JOURNEYS, a fusion of documentary and animation that explores how myth and story can change the world, as the Opening Night Spotlight Film for its 2009 season. This unique project by award-winning filmmakers Steven and Whitney Boe pushes the boundaries of documentary filmmaking by infusing the beautiful artistry of stop-motion animation into the piece.
Interwoven with the documentary is the classic tale THE BONE ORCHARD, brought to life by stop-motion animator Michael Granberry with puppets created by internationally acclaimed artists Brian and Wendy Froud (THE DARK CRYSTAL, LABYRINTH) and voiced by Tim Curry, Mark Hamill, and Lance Henriksen. The film includes interviews with some of the world's leading mythologists, psychologists and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Sobonfu Some, and Michael Meade, imbued with multicultural artwork, graphics and animation.
MYTHIC JOURNEYS defines myth and its relevance in today's world, challenges the audience to discover their own story by transcending literalism and questioning their beliefs, and inspires people to connect to their communities. By blurring the lines between documentary and narrative, the film not only educates but entertains in a thought-provoking, unpretentious and often humorous way that captures the essence of what it is to be human. MYTHIC JOURNEYS boldly asks the question: Will you know who you are when you die or will death have to tell you?
Time: Thursday, June 4 -- Film begins @ 7:00pm Location: Laemmle Sunset 5 -- 8000 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, 90046 Tickets: $10 pre-sale, $12 day of screening -- (323) 850-2929
The Boes also offer an accompanying workshop with MYTHIC JOURNEYS to further the discussion of the film's themes, which has been enthusiastically received by various groups around the country. Steven & Whitney Boe are the founders of Imaginal Cells FilmWorks in Los Angeles, CA and produce inspirational films that raise the consciousness of the viewing public with positive themes and entertaining stories. The Boes have worked in the industry for over 25 years, receiving critical acclaim and numerous awards for their work in film, television and theatre. For more information, visit