FIA - Festival Internacional de Animación

Universidad ORT Uruguay, organizer of FIA'11, is pleased to invite animators, producers and specially students and graduates of animation schools to present works to be selected for an exhibition and subsequent awarding between the 17th and the 18th October 2011 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Purpose: Universidad ORT Uruguay aims to spread and to exhibit animations produced by students and graduates of animation, independent animators and international producers and also seeks to provide a space for artistic and technological reflection in this discipline Rules and regulations: 1)  Any animated short movie, regardless its type, content or country of origin. 2)  The following categories will be established:       a) Short animation movies       b) Video short movie and experimental animation       c) Web animation       d) Reel of animation school (up to six pieces per school in this category)       e) Advertising clip/ video clip 3)  Conditions       a) The sign up is free of charge.       b) Every participant may individually present up to 6 pieces. One sign up form           should be completed for each piece.       c) Short movies may belong to cinema, video, TV or Internet.       d) Maximum duration for short movies: 20 min. including credits.       e) In order to be admitted, all materials must be delivered in Spanish or English           or contain subtitles in any of these languages (preferably in Spanish).       f) If the pieces are sent via mail, it is required to send two DATA DVD with the           short as .mov or .avi. These copies won't be returned.       g) When signing up for the event, it is required to send via mail or           upload to the FTP:             1. Two photos of the work (300 dpi).             2. Synopsis and a short biography of the director in Spanish or English.             3. Photo of the director (300 dpi). 4)  Deadline for reception The deadline for reception of all materials is going to be the 26th of September of 2011. Sign up can be done through the web site of the festival, by post or personally. a) The works delivered by post should be sent to: Universidad ORT Uruguay Festival de Animación FIA'11 Av. Uruguay 1185 CP. 11.100 Montevideo- Uruguay If the work is delivered by post, all participants need to make sure that it arrives on time. Works that are received after the deadline are not going to be considered. The delivery costs are to be covered by the participants, as well as any tax, customs, etc. in relation to the delivery service. The festival will not come up for any tax occasioned by the sending of the materials. All works that were produced abroad should be labelled "Sin Valor Comercial / No Commercial Value - Para usos culturales únicamente / For cultural purposes only." Sometimes a custom declaration and a receipt must be completed. The following should be indicated: "Sin valor comercial / No commercial value" or a total amount of less than 3 U$S (three US-dollars). b) FTP: The participant may upload the short via FTP to the festival's server. The files should not weight more that 2 Gigs. The FTP's user and password will be send via e-mail after the participant fills out the on-line form and select upload the short/s via FTP. 5)  Selection, jury and awards The selection of the works is done by the organization of the festival. The organizers will reveal the selected works at least one week before the festival starts. The jury is made up of members of a recognised trajectory in the animation and audio-visual area. At least one of the members holds a nationality other than Uruguayan. The jury is responsible for giving the awards specified below. Their decisions are not appealable. Grand Award of the Jury: U$S 1.000 (one thousand US dollars) + certificate Best Uruguayan Short: U$S 500 (five hundred US dollars) + certificate Best Animation Short Movie: certificate Best Video Short Movie and Experimental Animation: certificate Best Web Animation: certificate Best Reel of Animation Schools: certificate Best Advertising Clip / Video Clip:

certificate In addition to the mentioned awards, the Jury may award special mentions to short movies that are exceptional in technical or esthetical aspects. 6)  Exhibition The participants accept that the works may be saved by the organization or used in public and private exhibitions under the condition that these are for free and for educational or cultural purposes only. 7)  Acceptance of the foundation All participants, just by having signed up for the festival, do accept the terms specified in this foundation. Any other issues that are not contemplated in the foundation are subject to the decision of the organizers. 8)  Author rights The organization accepts works that contain previously used images or sounds. The organizers won't assume the responsibility for the original rights related to third parties, which will fall under the entire responsibility of the participant. 9)  Address and contact: Lic. MFA Alejandro Erramún Departamento de Animación Facultad de Comunicación y Diseño Universidad ORT Uruguay Cuareim 1451 C.P.11.100 Montevideo - Uruguay Phone (+598) 2 902 15 05

Monday, October 17, 2011 - 9:00am to Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 10:00pm