Glenn Vilppu's Basic Figure Drawing Seminars

Glenn Vilppu's Basic Figure Drawing: Starts Nov. 23 03 Sunday 11AM-2:30PM 6 sessions, Tuition $200.00, Registration Fee $50.00

Course Objective & Description This course focuses on basic figure drawing and figure construction. Through demonstrations, and one on one instruction. Drawing instruction will emphasize step-by-step drawing procedures, analyzing the form, anatomical structure by. This class has two primary objectives. The first is to develop a solid understanding of the tools and logic used in creating a form. This includes understanding the fundamental procedures that under line the use of these tools. The second objective is to develop a basic understanding of the construction and anatomy of the figure.

Glenn is an internationally recognized drawing instructor, lecturer, and fine artist who has informed and educated a generation of artists in Los Angeles. He has fourteen one man shows and is an instructor at the Disney and Warner Brothers feature animation programs, as well as the American Animation Institute, UCLA, Dreamworks, and Rhythm and Hues.

Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 12:00pm to Saturday, January 18, 2003 - 8:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 12:00pm
Los Angeles