GoFish would like to invite your readers and members to participate in a challenging and FUN contest!
GoFish audience members and filmmakers everywhere are challenged to conceive, create, and upload their own Hidden Celebrity Webcam videos. The entries will be viewed and judged by some of television?s top Emmy-winning producers, including Howard Gordon (24), Rob LaZebnik (The Simpsons), and John Collier (King of the Hill), as well as the creator of Hidden Celebrity Webcam, Nell Scovell. Contestants will be narrowed to a list of five finalists, with the winner receiving a meeting with the Rothman Brecher talent agency to discuss talent representation. The agency represents artists affiliated with hit television series, including The Simpsons, Ugly Betty, and CSI, among others. The first prize winner also will receive an Apple MacBook Pro, while runners-up will receive Apple iPods.
To view the contest?s intro video, or post a link to it on your page, please visit http://www.gofish.com/channel.gfp?gfid=50-1719&videoGfid=30-1126938.