Hyperlive: Animation & the Camera

As part of the acclaimed Curzon Soho Short Film Summer School, animate! presents a special program of commissions that were captured in live-action then propelled into the animated realm. Award-winning filmmaker Tim Webb merges live-action and stop-motion to serve up a twisted tale of rejection in 15TH FEBRUARY (U.K, 1995, 6 min.); Samantha Moore uses diagrams, layers and multiple perspectives to reflect on the chaos of becoming a mother of twins in DOUBLED UP (U,K, 2004, 6 min,); Joe Magee and Alistair Gentry provide a sea of saturated color to create the mesmerizing digital day out that is HYPNOMART (U.K. 2001, 4 min,); monochrome magic is brought to life by the voice of

Saturday, July 15, 2006 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Saturday, July 15, 2006 - 12:00pm