DC Anime Club Presents
Martial Arts Demo by Jedi GuardiansDC Anime Club invites one and all to our Martial Arts Demo by thepremier lightsaber dueling group in the Washington
D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia area the Jedi Guardians event on Saturday September 18, 2010
2pm-5pm at the Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial Library 901 G St NW
Washington, DC 20001 in Room A5 on the A Level
of the Library.
The Martial Arts Demo will also feature a Cosplay (costume play)photoshoot by Old Line Garrison and Terrapin Base.
We hope to see you there.
This event is free and open to the public.
For Ages 13 and up.
For more information please visit the DC Anime Club website at http://dcanimeclub.org orcall 202 262 2083.
About Jedi Guardians
The Jedi Guardians are the premier lightsaber dueling group in the WashingtonD.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia area. They are a non-profit stage combatorganization focused on giving back to the community. Performances spancharity events, community functions and fundraisers throughout the DC /
Baltimore areas.
The Jedi Guardians are more than just a fan club, costume group or martial artstheatrical society. They are a caring organization that works together to assistthose in need and look forward with anticipation to each and every event.
The Guardians participate annually in the US Marine Corps TOYS FORTOTS program and has performed at the Dragon Con parade in Atlanta, Ga.,Marley Station Mall, a Simon property in Glen Burnie, Md. and the Bowie BaysoxStadium in Prince Georges County. The Guardians more recently haveperformed for American Cancer Societies Relay for Life and for the AmericanRed Cross to aid in relief efforts.
The Jedi guardians will also have a Q and A about their organization Cosplay(costume play) photoshoot, dueling lessons and more.
About Old Line Garrison:
Our Mission
*To Promote Interest in Star Wars*While a growing number of people are experiencing a reawakening of their *StarWars* fandom, new generations are seeking ways to celebrate their passionfor George Lucas's modern mythology. The 501st Legion brings these fanstogether, reinforcing the enduring longevity of the* Star Wars* saga.
*To Facilitate the Use of Costumes*Some fans are content to collect action figures...other fans want to*be*action figures. Nothing professes your passion quite like buildingyour owndetailed costume replica of a classic *Star Wars* villain, and there'snothing quite like the feeling that comes from bringing the characters of *StarWars* into the real world and sharing the magic with others.
*To Contribute*While our organization was founded to simply provide a collective identityfor costuming fans with similar interests, the 501st is proud to put itsresources to good use through fundraising, charity work, and volunteerism.
If you would like to inquire about 501st appearances, please use our eventrequest form, found at www.501st.com. <http://www.501st.com/>
About Terrapin Base:
"The Rebel Legion is an international Star Wars costuming organizationcreated by, of and for people interested in creating 'Good Guy' costumesfrom the Star Wars mythos. Jedi, Rebel Pilots, Troopers, Princesses and evenWookiees.... we've got them all....and we're always looking for more.Besides portraying the 'Good Guys' of the Star Wars universe, our worldwidemembership often choose to give back to their communities (through costumedvolunteer activities and charity events) in an effort to be real life 'goodguys'.
The Rebel Legion first appeared in mid-1999 and in the years since itsformation, the group has grown from a few dozen Rebel costumers that talkedto each other on the internet, to becoming the premier Rebel costuming groupin the Star Wars community. Our membership is constantly increasing, and wehave established our own presence in the world. The local chapter of theRebel Legion is Terrapin Base which includes the Maryland and Washington DCareas. For more information on the Rebel Legion, please visit our website:www.rebellegion.com"
About DC Anime Club:
DCAC was established in 2003 to introduce and educate people in the
Washington, DC area about East Asian culture, through viewing and discussion of
Japanese animation (also known as anime) and Japanese comics (manga). DCAC is a
501(c) (3) not for profit organization, contributions to DC Anime Club
are taxed deductible to the extent allowable under the law.
The club also works to provide a positive, alternative activity to the
youth in the area by exposing them to foreign culture, encouraging artistic
expression and creativity, and providing opportunities for participation in
community activities and leadership.
In addition to our bi-weekly meetings, the club holds an Annual Art Show,
an Annual Costume fundraising event, and visits local schools to do presentations
on anime. The club also works with the Smithsonian Freer Gallery and DC
Asian Pacific American Film Festival on their anime screenings, and has
helped locally promote performances for Japanese bands such as Puffy Ami Yumi
and Pine am. DC Anime Club was founded by Chris Wanamaker (President), Jules
Chang (Former Vice President) and Craig Vaughn (Vice President) on Saturday June 5,
2003. We have a strong membership that continues to grow -- most of which are