Please join the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art - MoCCA for David Mazzucchelli and Dan Nadel in Conversation Thursday, July 16, 7 P.M. at MoCCA, 594 Broadway (between Houston and Prince), suite 401, New York, NY 10012
Mazzucchelli and Nadel will discuss Mazzucchelli's work, and the exhibition, SOUNDS AND PAUSES. Mazzucchelli will sign copies of Asterios Polyp and other books after the conversation.
About David Mazzucchelli: David Mazzucchelli has been making comics his whole life. Known chiefly for his collaborations -- with Frank Miller on seminal Batman and Daredevil stories, and with Paul Karasik on an adaptation of Paul Auster's novel, CITY OF GLASS -- he began publishing his own stories in 1991 in his anthology magazine, RUBBER BLANKET. Since then his short comics have been published in books and magazines around the world. ASTERIOS POLYP is his first graphic novel.
About Dan Nadel Dan Nadel is the owner of PictureBox, Inc., a Grammy Award-winning New York-based packaging and publishing company. Dan has authored two award-winning books: ART OUT OF TIME: UNKNOWN COMIC VISIONARIES 1900-1969 and GARY PANTER. As a curator, he has mounted exhibitions for numerous venues in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Athens, and Tokyo.