Raimund Krumme -- Play for Lines and Figures

For the first time ever in Germany, an exhibition is presenting Raimund Krumme's work including drawn phases from his animated films, graphically impressive, playful studies on paper as well as examples of his filmic output. The exhibition has been running since 17th April at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden technical collection museum where it will continue until 27th September 2009.

Raimund Krumme is one of the most significant representatives of artistic animated film in Germany. His twelve shorts to date, which have won the German Short Film Award among others, are primarily drawn animation films with a minimalist design. Using dynamic brush strokes and clearly drawn lines on white paper, Krumme creates the landscapes and protagonists for his mini dramas ranging from the poetic to the absurd. His short films and commercials, as indeed his graphic sketches and drawings for films, are outstanding in the perfect choreography of the figures' movements and his complex, Escher-like play with perspective and space.

Furthermore with AUX COULEURS DE L'ALLEMAGNE, FOCUS SUR L'OEUVRE DE RAIMUND KRUMME, the German Institute for Animated Film is showing an additional set of exhibits from Raimund Krumme in Annecy from 8th June until the end of the year. At the invitation of the Festival international du film d'animation there and as a complement to his solo exhibition in Dresden, the institute is presenting further drawn phases, sketches and storyboards from Krumme's films as well as some of his overall artistic work. These have been integrated into the most important exhibition on animated film in France, which has brought together many classics from the international history of animated film. In this exhibition section, the German Institute for Animated Film is the exclusive German partner of the festival in Annecy.

Accompanying the exhibition, a catalogue has been published in German and English with contributions on Raimund Krumme's artistic background and career (by Rolf Giesen), on the animation of space in his work (by Suzanne Buchan) and on the technical adaptation and realisation of his films (by Jurgen Keuneke). A section with illustrations contains examples of Raimund Krumme's graphic studies. The catalogue (ISBN: 978-3-00-027392-6) consists of 36 pages including 8 full-page illustrations and costs 7 euros plus dispatch costs. To order it, please send an email to kontakt@diaf.de.

Friday, April 17, 2009 - 11:00am to Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, April 17, 2009 - 12:00pm