Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival is an unique event combining a feature film festival with the sub-festivals of animated films, student films and children/youth films. The festival aims to present Estonian audiences a comprehensive selection of world cinema in all its diversity with the emphasis on European films, providing a friendly atmosphere for interaction between the audience, Estonian filmmakers and their colleagues from abroad.
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (November 12-December 6) consists of the main program, four sub-festivals and a film and co-production market:
Black Nights Film Festival Main Program (November 27-December 6) - International competition program EurAsia and Baltic feature film competition. Informative side programs include fiction and documentary features from previous two years, retrospective of a filmmaker, genre or studio, and focus on a country.
Student and Short Film Festival Sleepwalkers (November 12-15) - International competition of student films from previous three years - fiction, documentary or animation films; national competition of Estonian short films. Special program of the first works of renown film-makers, selection of a film school and selection of a film festival. Film school.
Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams (November 18-22) - Competition of short animations from previous three years. Additional non-competitive programs include a retrospective of a filmmaker and focus on a country.
Children and Youth Film Festival Just Film (November 21-28) - Competition of children's films and youth films. Non-competitive special programs.
Nokia Mobile Phone Film Festival MOFF (September 1-December 3) - Competition of short films made with mobile phones.
During the festival also Baltic Event film and co-production market (November 29-December 2) takes place, which screens the newest feature films from the Baltic countries, along with a co-production market open for projects from the Baltics, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavia.