Will someone steal my TV idea?

The number one question I always hear is “Will someone steal my TV idea?” I’ve thought that too.

But there’s a webinar coming up February 28th put together by two great industry insiders I know that pretty much answers everything you or I would need to know about how to protect our ideas.

  • Can a network just take my idea and doit without me?
  • Is a Submission Release Form a licenseto steal?
  • The truth behind stories of stolen TVideas
  • What can or can’t I do to protect myidea
  • How safe is my title?
  • Copyright protection myths
  • Will my paranoia destroy my pitch orsabotage my chances?
  • Are my characters at risk, too?
  • Is a WGA registration enoughprotection?

They’ve got a great line up of expert interviews: Patric Verrone, the PRESIDENT of the Writer’s Guild: Marc Zicree, who wrote for Star Trek and Babylon 5; Joel Andryc, who’s an executive Saban; and Linda Simensky, who’s a senior vice president at PBS Kids.

Plus the event is hosted by Mark and Jeanne Simon, founders of SellYourTvConceptNow.com who have about 4,500 credits between them and more than 25 years each in the industry.

Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Time: 9:30 p.m. EST, 6:30 p.m. PST (2-3 hours long) Cost: $85

Early Bird Discount: $60 (Expires Midnight, February 14, 2012) Where:  Phone/Web/Skype from anywhere Register: www.sellyourtvconceptnow.com/webinar-steal-your-idea-2012/

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 6:30pm to 9:30pm