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Avatar problems

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Avatar problems

Hey guys I tried to upload a new avatar but couldn't find the custom button in the edit avatar section. I then accidently killed my avatar by hitting the reset button.

Will the custom button for the avatar be fixed later?

Working on it

Seems to be a new distinction issue between avatars and profile pictures. We're working on it. I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

Should be fixed, try it now

It was a permissions problem after all. Should be fixed.


Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

Thanks Dan. :)

It works now. You guys are hard working cool guys.

Posting Avatars And Images

Is there a computer genius out there who can clearly post step by step instructions on how to post avatars and images to this site for all those who are having problems doing so?


Norm :)

Take a look at the white links at the blue box up above... the first one on the left says "User CP". CP stands for Configuration Pannel (!!!)

Inside that you will see some links at the left column, one of them is "Edit Avatar" or something like that. It has all the options for your avatar, like uploading, disabling, etc.

Good luck! :)

Basic Steps in Posting Avatars

Many thanks to Dan Poeira and Bored Watcher for sending along the basic primal tips for posting an avatar (small logo pic. beside your name).

1. Save picture you want to use to 'Documents'.

2. Go to 'Edit Avatar' as per Dan's comments on this thread.

3. Click 'Browse' to find the document you saved.

4. Highlight document title and click 'Open'.

5. Go back to 'Edit Avatar'.

6. Click 'Save Changes'.

Your avatar will now appear beside your name on all postings.

Bonus: if you didn't post an avatar on previous (pre-hack attack) threads, when they appear they should all automatically display your new avatar; the after-hack-attack ones do anyway.

Hopefully, with these steps we'll now see many colorful avatars on the site.

