Julian Phillips
P.O. Box 414
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Management: Clark Management
Agent: Elda Loesch 818-577-0981
Julian Phillips
P.O. Box 414
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Management: Clark Management
Agent: Elda Loesch 818-577-0981
Just a note to introduce myself to the AWN community. Great website but it took me three months to register, as the 'system' originally identified me as under age 13, I couldn't correct it and I had no way to register properly. For those of you doing regular animation, either features, shorts, or series, feel free to contact me for proposals, feature screenplays, series development, concepts, etc. I am a career writer, with a 3-D cartoon series I have scripted in production with Niolan Entertainment in Belgium. I also did a series of short children's books for them. I have screen credit on about a dozen educational and travel videos, and a family feature full-length screenplay under option, as well as many other published works of various kinds. Lots of ideas and jazz-juice for the cool stuff. Basically I would like to provide scripts for animation for a successful company---- my rates are reasonable, I do high-quality professional level work, with cutting edge concepts and culturally ripe material. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Hey, Watcher, mind if I pick your brian? I've been interested in writing for animation for a while now and I was wondering how one breaks in generally and how you broke in specifically? Any information or help you could give me will be really appreciated. Thanks, and I know this wasn't the purpose of your thread but I figured you wouldn't mind the bump.
Julian Phillips
P.O. Box 414
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Management: Clark Management
Agent: Elda Loesch 818-577-0981
Glad to respond. I've done a lot of different kinds of scripting. The way I got into it was by doing video scripts for a local producer, mostly educational and travel. The money's not great, but you get experience translating words into images, and minor screen credts, etc. You can often find video producers doing small projects who will pay someone to flesh out an idea. Of course you have to learn proper formatting, and there are dozens of good books at the library or on-line for that. I also tried my hand at scripting for features, which is kind of a thing where you just hope to land a deal. I've done as many as 10 feature scripts, including one for animation, and I did get a deal on an option of one of these scripts. With my work for Niolan, I came across an on-line ad they had seeking writers to work on a cartoon series. So I responded, and it seemed good, but the thing was they wanted someone to do 12 episodes of this 3-D series for nothing. But, I thought, if they like what I've done, maybe in the future there would be pay, and also I would have the satisfaction of seeing something produced, and more credits. so I did the series, which was fun anyway, and then they asked for more work and did end up paying me a considerable sum for a series of children's books. I am hoping to cultivate this relationship, and in fact I have pitched them a number of ideas for animated series, and I even had the chance to have lunch with the president of the company, who is a wonderful and ambitious young man. So, to break in, you find opportunities, learn the craft, don't be afraid to take chances and build up a body of credits you can refer to when seeking other work. Good luck!
Julian Phillips
P.O. Box 414
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Management: Clark Management
Agent: Elda Loesch 818-577-0981
Thanks, man, for the great response. I was thinking of offering my scripting services on this message board, I wouldn't charge, as I have no experience so I'd be learning with the projects given to me... but I don't want to muscle in on your turf so if you mind I won't start a competing thread.