I'm an italian pianist and animation student. I'd like to know from canadian people how is the animation life in Canada.
Is there job? A lot? Few? Normal?
What kind of job (3d, 2d, television, cinema, videogames ecc..)?
In Italy we are living a huge depression period, and so I'm thinking seriously to settle myself in another country.
Thanks a lot! :) :) :)
Wade was being totally straight-up with you, friend, about our animation industry. Canada is a nation of people from other countries and we'd love to have you but drawn animation is depressed all round. I'm even more out if touch with 3d but I hazard to guess we have schools pumping out "animators" less than every year.
Maybe try the music angle to get into Canada or try writing, not emailing, Canadian studios personally and inquire....I'm thinking on the off-chance they know of some European co-production and you can look closer for a studio there.