What do ya think? Animation

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What do ya think? Animation

hey guys,

Just did some re-working of the aniamtion I've been doing this week. I focused a bit more on editing since that is what I got the most comments about. This sequence is when the main character comes out of the bathroom of the bar drunk and finds a coin on the ground and puts it in the jukebox.

Let me know what you think. http://nickmation.com/Updated_Intro.mov



Here is some updates....

Let me know what you think please.


On your first clip, your first cut is unmotivated. We have all the elements we need in the establishing shot, and then you cut to a low angle shot for an undefined reason. Then, that shot is so short before we see the POV of the coin that it ends up feeling like a jump cut.

The character work looks pretty good. Think a bit about how a drunk guy moves. Some of your motions are a bit too sharp for a drunk guy (the mouth wipe comes to mind, as does the antic before he pushes the button in the second clip). A drunk guy is constantly fighting gravity due to loss of equilibrium brought on by the alcohol.