Violent and Sex Free Content :D [/I]
I recently came up with an amazing idea that has been previously used over 50 years ago for animation and I've basically shared this idea with who I thought was a friend and now she feels so passionate about my idea that it's causing conflict with our relationship.
I don't want her to be a part of it as I work best alone but she insists that she wants to be a part of it and can't even write. So, my dilemma is when do I copyright this as it's still not complete, I'm only on page 10.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
In the U.S., ideas are automatically assumed to be copyrighted as soon as they're set down in fixed form. That means written, drawn, etc. If you're not done, you're not officially copyrighted yet. The best thing you can do is finish as soon as possible. Once you have a complete document (even if it's only a story outline), you're covered.
In order to pursue copyright infringement in court however (assuming this is your major concern), you MUST have a registered copyright with the U.S copyright office. It's the only way you can pursue legal recourse if your work is infringed upon. Forget about "poor man's copyright" or anything else you may hear. This is the one way to protect your work. It's only $45 to register, and if you're worried about your idea being lifted, it's very inexpensive insurance. http://www.copyright.gov/
Have you ever seen cars or the incredibles?