Looking for talented animators for Animated Documentary

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Looking for talented animators for Animated Documentary

[B]Kihou Productions

[/B]Job description: The full-length animated documentary about the life and times of legendary title designer Pablo Ferro seeks to develop inventive and unique experimental techniques mostly (but not only) on a low budget analog approach. The movie is divided into several different episodes which will use different techniques spanning from line art, after effects compositing, flash to 3D generated images and other animation languages we haven't thought of. A teaser on the film can be found at www.kihou.com/pablo/promo

Requirements/skills:Living in LA is a plus.

Project: PABLO
Location of work: Los Angeles, California US
Job starting date: September
Benefits: TBD

Company name: Kihou Productions
Company description: This is Kihou Productions first full lenght feature. The company has made award winning short films, intermnational commercials, environmental documentaries and institutional films.

Web Site: http://www.kihou.com/pablo/

Kevin_Geiger's picture
[I]Kevin Geiger Director & Co-founder The Animation Co-op http://www.animationcoop.org/[/I]

[I]Kevin Geiger
Director & Co-founder
The Animation Co-op

Looks fantastic. Time biding, I'd be very interested. I do traditional (via cg) and 3D stuff. You can see some of my work at www.stickman.de and more playful wips at my blog: http://www.the-book-of-worms.de/blog/