Hey all, I just wanted to give you guys the link to my production blog for my first animated series, "Fox & Calf." I've animated a lot of projects before, but this is my first time doing a series of episodes with the same characters. I'm shooting 4 episodes for the first "Season," and will hopefully have it released on the web in February. I am working on the project almost completly alone, doing all the writing, character building, sets, animation, etc. It's been a lot of fun, I am currently animating the third episode and only have one more to go after that. Each episode is approximately 2 minutes. I'd love to get some feedback, 'cause I respect all of your collective knowledge and skills. And I will let you all know as soon as it's available to watch. Thanks, and enjoy the blog:
-ryAn McCulloch
Fun characters
I like it so far! A lot of fun, colorful characters. No animation posted yet? I love clay animation so I'm keen to see this come together.
P.S. are you sure that possum is dead, or could it be playing "possum"? They really do that, you know. My neighbor's dog found one in their yard the other week and it looked just like your sculpture (tongue hanging out and everything). Then it started moving after we scooped it up in a pool-skimming net.
Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com