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Walk Cycle Animation (B.S. Style)

Kole "BLACK" Sheep beginner walk cycle animation done by Happee Go'Luckey w/ default Anime Studio Pro 7 background.

tyree's picture
Submitted by tyree on

it fits the character but it looks automated. with hand animated drawings, you need to take the pauses out by adding in motion. with 3d and 2d bone animation its the opposite. you need to add in pauses, so it doesnt look automated. and help the character appear more believable

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

To my eye it looks too floaty. The Character does not look like it is touching pavement. Do you use any guides?

HGDaGr8One's picture
Submitted by HGDaGr8One on

To my eye it looks too floaty. The Character does not look like it is touching pavement. Do you use any guides?

Guides? No, i do not use guides. Could you elaborate on that?

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Some software have a feature that will places lines over the canvas but they will not show up in the final produce. You can use the lines to define the board of where you are animating.

For example, a line across the bottom could set where the ground is.