"Clocked In" (animation short)

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"Clocked In" (animation short)

http://vimeo.com/ikeahloe/clockedin (9 min) (thanks for taking a look)

synopsis: The battle to remain conscious and find humanity in an otherwise hostile work setting reaches a destructive and hopeful climax.

concept: i wanted step away from overly concise or abbreviated animation. It's about boredom, paranoia, and the drudge, so I tried to pace it accordingly... (slow with sparks of excitement leading up to an explosive climax)

technical info: 100% free open source - blender(freestyle)/kdenlive/gimp/inkscape. all the music is diy punk bands or myself. the sound effects were recorded/designed/performed by my friend don and I.

strong stylistic approach, and really great 'camera' work - love it, congrats!