Tech Talk with Sony's Rob Bredow
Sony's new CTO Rob Bredow discusses cutting edge technology on Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Alice in Wonderland and Arthur Christmas.
'Gamer': A New Kind of Mind-Control Mayhem
James McQuaide tells us what it was like working on Gamer with the directing team of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, makers of Crank.
Bekmambetov Talks '9, Wanted 2' and 'Moby Dick'
The hot Russian director Timur Bekmambetov gives us his take on 9 and an exclusive sneak peek of his other projects, including the supernatural Moby Dick.
Shane Acker Talks '9' and Beyond
Shane Acker discusses how he pulled off his long-awaited feature directorial debut as well as his latest short at Gnomon and future projects.
Zélie Bérubé: Artist Profile
Whether you’re at Anime Expo LA, Comic-Con, or any of the various cons around the country young artists are intrinsic to the landscape; they are the future of the biz. The artist alley is always lined with individuals “hocking their wares” and producing impromptu sketches. These streets are teeming with creative, hungry talent.
Emily Hu: Artist Profile
Ah Emi! Her work is marked with an ingenious, creative grin! She’s got the chops. And, if you try her, she just may kick you in the balls. Don’t underestimate the maid outfit.
A Few Minutes With Takashi Okazaki
Who doesn’t know Afro Samurai? That is the question. The sheer coolness of our afro-enhanced protagonist and his number one headband perhaps even rivals that of Steve McQueen. At least that’s what the ratings of the man channel, i.e. Spike TV, suggest.