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5D Institute Announces July Symposium

5D Institute announces a satellite symposium at the annual ASSC 17 meeting in San Diego this July.

A satellite symposium at the annual meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 17) in San Diego will take place July 16, 2013.

Curated by Perception Scientist Sergei Gepshtein and Narrative Designer Alex McDowell, this one-day symposium will celebrate and promote the increasingly important interaction between two hitherto distinct communities: researchers engaged in the scientific study of human perception and action and researchers of interactive and immersive narrative media technologies in architecture, games, cinema, and new media arts.

Thought leaders from both communities will discuss human behavior and conscious experience in physical, social, and imagined realities represented in purely virtual worlds, as well as in the 'mixed' worlds that interlace physical and virtual realities.

The symposium will comprise a series of illustrated sessions each featuring two speakers: a scientist and an artist or immersive-reality practitioner. The speakers will first paint a general picture of their approaches and then explore current and prospective links between their domains of expertise. Following each session, generous time will be devoted to discussion and questions from the audience.

Attendees are invited to learn about cutting-edge research of consciousness using reduced-price day passes to the ASSC conference. Student discounts apply. Mix with conference participants at the banquet on July 14 and conference "after-party on the beach" on July 15

Source: USC|5D Institute

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.